100字范文 > 图像压缩编码码matlab实现——JSjpeg


时间:2022-09-17 01:51:06



function y = jpegencode(x, quality)



error(nargchk(1, 2, nargin)); %检查输入参数

if nargin < 2

quality = 1; %默认时 quality为1


x = double(x) - 128; %像素层次移动-128

[xm, xn] = size(x); %得到像素尺寸

t = dctmtx(8);%得到8*8DCT矩阵


y = blkproc(x, [8,8], 'P1*x*P2', t, t');

m = [16 11 10 16 24 40 51 61 %JPEG量化步长矩阵

12 12 14 19 26 58 60 55

14 13 16 24 40 57 69 56

14 17 22 29 51 87 80 62

18 22 37 56 68 109 103 77

24 35 55 64 81 104 113 92

49 64 78 87 103 121 120 101

72 92 95 98 112 110 103 99]*quality;


yy = blkproc(y, [8, 8], 'round(x./P1)', m);

y = im2col(yy, [8, 8], 'distinct'); %将图像块排列成向量

xb = size(y, 2); %得到列数,也就是子图像个数

order = [1 9 2 3 10 17 25 18 11 4 5 12 19 26 33 ... %变换系数排列次序

41 34 27 20 13 6 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 57 50 ...

43 36 29 22 15 8 16 23 30 37 44 51 58 59 52 ...

45 38 31 24 32 39 46 53 60 61 54 47 40 48 55 62 63 56 64];


y = y(order, :);

eob = max(x(:)) + 1;%创建一个块结束符号

num = numel(y) + size(y, 2);

r = zeros(num, 1);

count = 0;

%将非零元素重新排列放入r中,-26-3 eob -25 1 eob

for j = 1: xb%每次对一列(即一块)进行操作

i = max(find(y(:, j))); %找最后一个非零元素

if isempty(i) %没有非零元素

i = 0;


p = count + 1;

q = p + i;

r(p: q) = [y(1: i, j); eob]; %截去零并加上结束符号

count = count + i + 1;


r((count + 1): end) = [];%删除r的没有用的部分

r = r + 128;


y.size = uint16([xm, xn]);

y.numblocks = uint16(xb);

y.quality = uint16(quality*100);


[y.huffman, y.info] = huffencode(uint8(r));

function vector = huffdecode(zipped, info, image)

% 函数对输入矩阵vector进行Huffman解码,返回解压后的图像数据

if ~isa(zipped, 'uint8')

error('input argument must be be a uint8 vector');



len = length(zipped);

string = repmat(uint8(0), 1, len.*8);

bitindex = 1:8;

for index = 1:len

string(bitindex + 8.*(index-1)) = uint8(bitget(zipped(index), bitindex));


string = logical(string(:)');

len = length(string);

string ((len-info.pad+1):end)=[];

len = length(string);


weights = 2.^(0:51);

vector = repmat(uint8(0), 1, info.length);

vectorindex = 1;

codeindex = 1;

code = 0;

for index = 1:len

code = bitset(code, codeindex, string(index));

codeindex = codeindex+1;

byte = decode(bitset(code, codeindex), info);

if byte > 0

vector(vectorindex) = byte-1;

codeindex = 1;

code = 0;

vectorindex = vectorindex + 1;



vector = reshape(vector, info.rows, info.cols);


function byte = decode(code, info)

byte = info.huffcodes(code);

function [zipped, info] = huffencode(vector)

% 输入和输出都是 uint8 格式

% info 返回解码需要的结构信息

% info.pad 是添加的比特数

% info.huffcodes 是 Huffman 码字

% info.rows 是原始图像行数

% info.cols 是原始图像列数

% info.length 是原始图像数据长度

% info.maxcodelen 是最大码长

if ~isa(vector, 'uint8')

error('input argument must be a uint8 vector');


[m, n] = size(vector);

vector = vector(:)';

f = frequency(vector); %计算各符号出现的概率

symbols = find(f~=0);

f = f(symbols);

[f, sortindex] = sort(f); %将符号按照出现的概率大小排列

symbols = symbols(sortindex);

len = length(symbols);

symbols_index = num2cell(1:len);

codeword_tmp = cell(len, 1);

% 生成 Huffman 树,得到码字编码表

while length(f)>1

index1 = symbols_index{1};

index2 = symbols_index{2};

codeword_tmp(index1) = addnode(codeword_tmp(index1), uint8(0));

codeword_tmp(index2) = addnode(codeword_tmp(index2), uint8(1));

f = [sum(f(1:2)),f(3:end)];

symbols_index = [{[index1, index2]},symbols_index(3:end)];

[f, sortindex] = sort(f);

symbols_index = symbols_index(sortindex);


codeword = cell(256, 1);

codeword(symbols) = codeword_tmp;

len = 0;

for index = 1:length(vector) %得到整个图像所有比特数

len = len + length(codeword{double(vector(index))+1});


string = repmat(uint8(0), 1, len);

pointer = 1;

for index = 1:length(vector) %对输入图像进行编码

code = codeword{double(vector(index))+1};

len = length(code);

string(pointer + (0:len-1))=code;

pointer = pointer + len;


len = length(string);

pad = 8-mod(len, 8);

if pad > 0

string = [string uint8(zeros(1, pad))];


codeword = codeword(symbols);

codelen = zeros(size(codeword));

weights = 2.^(0:23);

maxcodelen = 0;

for index = 1:length(codeword)

len = length(codeword{index});

if len > maxcodelen;

maxcodelen = len;


if len > 0

code = sum(weights(codeword{index} == 1));

code = bitset(code, len + 1);

codeword{index} = code;

codelen(index) = len;



codeword = [codeword{:}];


cols = length(string)/8;

string = reshape(string, 8, cols);

weights = 2.^(0: 7);

zipped = uint8(weights * double(string));


huffcodes = sparse(1, 1);

for index = 1:nnz(codeword) % length(codeword) %numel(codeword)

huffcodes(codeword(index), 1) = symbols(index);



info.pad = pad;

info.huffcodes = huffcodes;

info.ratio = cols./length(vector);

info.length = length(vector);

info.maxcodelen = maxcodelen;

info.rows = m;

info.cols = n;


function codeword_new = addnode(codeword_old, item)

codeword_new = cell(size(codeword_old));

for index = 1:length(codeword_old)

codeword_new{index} = [item codeword_old{index}];



function f = frequency(vector)

if ~isa(vector, 'uint8')

error('input argument must be a uint8 vector');


f = repmat(0, 1, 256);

len = length(vector);

for index = 0:255

f(index+1) = sum(vector == uint8(index));


f = f./len; %归一化

function x = jpegdecode(y)


error(nargchk(1, 1, nargin)); %检查输入参数

m = [16 11 10 16 24 40 51 61 %JPEG量化步长矩阵

12 12 14 19 26 58 60 55

14 13 16 24 40 57 69 56

14 17 22 29 51 87 80 62

18 22 37 56 68 109 103 77

24 35 55 64 81 104 113 92

49 64 78 87 103 121 120 101

72 92 95 98 112 110 103 99];

order = [1 9 2 3 10 17 25 18 11 4 5 12 19 26 33 ... %变换系数排列次序

41 34 27 20 13 6 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 57 50 ...

43 36 29 22 15 8 16 23 30 37 44 51 58 59 52 ...

45 38 31 24 32 39 46 53 60 61 54 47 40 48 55 62 63 56 64];

rev = order;%计算逆序

for k = 1:length(order)

rev(k) = find(order == k);


% ff = max(rev(:)+1;

m = double(y.quality)/100*m;

xb = double(y.numblocks);%得到图像块数

sz = double(y.size);

xn = sz(1);

xm = sz(2);

x = huffdecode(y.huffman, y.info); %huffman1解码

x = double(x) - 128;

eob = max(x(:));

z = zeros(64, xb);

k = 1;

for j = 1: xb

for i = 1: 64

if x(k) == eob

k = k + 1;



z(i, j) = x(k);

k = k + 1;




z = z(rev, :); %恢复次序

x = col2im(z, [8, 8], [xm, xn], 'distinct'); %重新排列成图像

x = blkproc(x, [8, 8], 'x.*P1', m); %逆量化

t = dctmtx(8);

x = blkproc(x, [8, 8], 'P1*x*P2', t', t);%DCT逆变换

x = uint8(x + 128);%进行位移
