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有关计算机文献的外文和翻译 【精品文档】关于计算机专业有关的外文文献翻译成品:Sp

时间:2019-06-20 16:08:26


有关计算机文献的外文和翻译 【精品文档】关于计算机专业有关的外文文献翻译成品:Sp

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外文标题:Data Access with Spring Boot

外文作者:Felipe Gutierrez

文献出处: Pro Spring Boot pp 121-147, (如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做)


Data Access with Spring Boot

Data has become the most important part of the IT world, from trying to access, persist, and analyze it, to using a few bytes to petabytes of information. There have been many attempts to create frameworks and libraries to facilitate a way for developers to interact with the data, but sometimes this becomes too complicated. After version 3.0, the Spring Framework created different teams that specialized in the different technologies. The Spring Data project team was born. This particular project’s goal is to simplify uses of data access technologies, from relational and non- relational databases, to map-reduce frameworks and cloud-based data services. This Spring Data project is a collection of subprojects specific to a given database. This chapter covers data access with Spring Boot using the ToDo application from previous chapters. You are going to make the ToDo app work with SQL and NoSQL databases. Let’s get started.

SQL Databases

Do you remember those days when (in the Java world) you needed to deal with all the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) tasks? You had to download the correct drivers and connection strings, open and close connections, SQL statements, result sets, and transactions, and convert from result sets to objects. In my opinion, these are all very manual tasks. Then a lot of ORM (object-relational mapping) frameworks started to emerge to manage these tasks—frameworks like Castor XML, ObjectStore, and Hibernate, to mention a few. They allowed you to identify the domain classes and create XML that was related to the database’s tables. At some point, you also needed to be an expert to manage those kinds of frameworks.

The Spring Framework helped a lot with those frameworks by following the

有关计算机文献的外文和翻译 【精品文档】关于计算机专业有关的外文文献翻译成品:Spring Boot的数据访问(中英文双语对照)19.docx...
