100字范文 > 电大管理英语4计算机期末考试 国家开放大学电大本科《管理英语4》期末试题及答案

电大管理英语4计算机期末考试 国家开放大学电大本科《管理英语4》期末试题及答案

时间:2020-04-22 22:16:50


电大管理英语4计算机期末考试 国家开放大学电大本科《管理英语4》期末试题及答案


国家开放大学电大本科管理英语4期末试题及答案(试卷号1389)一、交除用(共计I。分,每小通2分)1-5选择正的现句完成下列引话.并将答宴序号写在答低上.L Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonightA. PH do that.B. 1 think soC Id love to.2. How did your meeting go ycstrnhty actually it was really frustrating.A Not so goodB. Very goodC Nothing spccinl3. I think things have been a bit difficult or u the last couple of months Wcfve been working hard* but still getting behinctA. YmTre rightB Pm afraid.C. I donft think so.4. Will you help me Arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown pleaseA. No. no way..R No. 1 can1.C Sorry 1 can9t. I have to Gnish my project right now5 Youd better not push youraelf too hunt You can ak the team and liMemA. You nre right-B- Not we can ft do thotC think it will kill our time.二、现汇与堵构供计30分,每小麟2分6-20也网读下面的句礼从ABC三个g中选出-个能填入空白处的正确逸项,并将答 室序号耳在答雄纸上6. AT6 T found thflt employees with better phnning ond decisionmaking skills wereto be promoted tnto tnunnurmniit jobn.A. mure likelyIl morv likeC niorr unlikelymnnRrr upetui mon I 1 thrh time in fnee lu face contact with Olhrm.but they Bpend much a 11 ohintmni; und lwinnfi inforniRtiorhA, Not onlyC, Nut only do8.hit nngrr. ihr employem mllod hirn Mr. Thunder but thry loved him.B. In Bphe olclmrly cornnmnlCAl with am uctivrly lintrn fo rniployccs la cncntlol tuimprove ihdr perfonnhnee,A. Br able toIIX I brllrvr thnt I huvr lol to conttibuicn tcirn rnvironmcnlt mid Ntnromforublr in hoih Iradcrnhip ahI pUycr rok.A. tuI L timjurrdEtighnhi Chincne M gciicmlly brlicvcd to be more hffu uh iolcarnA. withK from agdinfitI2 _ thr importancr of En/ih we should put more effort into tt and try tolearn it wcILA. GaveB. itvinK13.C Gwenin the hilltop you could rnoy ihr firenrty4 the city bmhed in the auilA. StmidingK SundC Stood14. There m nothe foct thnt he in ihr br*t ntudrnt in the clnmA. denyIt denimC clrnying15. Her doirc for theof A bvautiiul mwri rrniaincd.A. createIl creationG crcfltcd16 Every time I tried to My Aotncthmgt hr wouldtu something else.A. move offB. move onC move overTo build the rcrvoir 库 thousaticltt of people haveo be.A* 建切感H repeatedC reopenH18. Good work good pay.A doAervesa requests *C deserts19. At a rough we will lake another four weeks to fininh this pUnA valuea C5timauG account2。. Even the beat continually xeek ways totheir skills”harpH. shftrpcnerCe shftrprn三q读理解共计40分,每小姻4分21-25购闻读短文,从A.B、C三个选项中选出一个正答案,井将答案序号弟在答题纸上If iheres one word fhnt captures the essence ol what is occurring in the world todays it9s change. Downsizing reorganizing and cutting cosits arc now the norm for survival. No industry ia txeEpL Even the most conservative institutions are underftaing signifioint change just to survive.Change mArugement has always been an issue of debate amongst scholars how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change procesx And what can employrvs do to get through itTips for dealing with change in the workplace. Make yourself aware that change happensi it happens in personal life, it happens in your professional Iife You cannot live in the past, so denying that

电大管理英语4计算机期末考试 国家开放大学电大本科《管理英语4》期末试题及答案(试卷号:1389)...
