100字范文 > 英语情景对话计算机的优缺点 购买计算机英语情景对话

英语情景对话计算机的优缺点 购买计算机英语情景对话

时间:2022-09-04 17:42:29


英语情景对话计算机的优缺点 购买计算机英语情景对话



A:Excuse me,I wonder if you could give me some advice.劳驾,不知您能否给我一些建议。

B:Yes,of course.Which type of computer do you want to buy?当然可以。您想买哪类计算机呢?

A:Well,I m not sure.I d like to buy a computer to use at home.嗯,我还不确定。我想买一台在家里使用的计算机。

B:Right.What sort of things do you want to use it for?好的,您想用它来做哪类事情呢?

A:Well,I d like to be able to use it for writing letters and doing the household accounts,and my children want to play games.I d like to try the Internet and e-mail,too.嗯,我想用它来写信和做家庭记账用。我的孩子们想玩游戏,我想上上因特网,还有收发电子邮件。

B:OK.Do you need a machine that you can carry around with you?好的,您想要一台可以随身携带的机器吗?

A:You mean a portable?您指的是可携带的?

B:Yes,a laptop,for example.对,比如便携式计算机。

A:I m not sure.Aren t they a bit expensive?我不知道。便携式的有些贵吧?

B:Well,yes,they are a bit more expensive than desktops with the same specifications,but they re much more affordable than they used to be.嗯,是的。相对于同等性能的台式计算机来说,它们是稍贵一点儿,但比以前便宜多了。

A:I see.Well,I still think I should look at your desktop computers first.明白了。嗯,我还是觉得应该先看看你们的台式计算机。
