100字范文 > 在Sublime Text 2中将默认语法设置为不同的文件类型

在Sublime Text 2中将默认语法设置为不同的文件类型

时间:2024-05-28 18:40:32


在Sublime Text 2中将默认语法设置为不同的文件类型

本文翻译自:Set default syntax to different filetype in Sublime Text 2

How do I set a default filetype for a certain file extension in Sublime Text 2?如何在Sublime Text 2中为特定文件扩展名设置默认文件类型?Specifically I want to have *.cfg files default to having Ini syntax highlighting but I cannot seem to figure out how I could create this custom setting.具体来说,我希望* .cfg文件默认具有Ini语法高亮,但我似乎无法弄清楚如何创建此自定义设置。




You can turn on syntax highlighting based on the contents of the file.您可以根据文件的内容启用语法突出显示。

For example, my Makefiles regardless of their extension the first line as follows:例如,我的Makefiles无论其扩展名如何,第一行如下:

#-*-Makefile-*- vim:syntax=make

This is typical practice for other editors such as vim.这是其他编辑器(如vim)的典型做法。

However, for this to work you need to modify theMakefile.tmLanguagefile.但是,为此,您需要修改Makefile.tmLanguage文件。

Find the file (for Sublime Text 3 in Ubuntu) at:在以下位置找到该文件(对于Ubuntu中的Sublime Text 3):


Note, that is really a zip file.注意,这实际上是一个zip文件。Copy it, rename with .zip at the end, and extract the Makefile.tmLanguage file from it.复制它,最后用.zip重命名,然后从中提取Makefile.tmLanguage文件。

Edit the newMakefile.tmLanguageby adding the "firstLineMatch" key and string after the "fileTypes" section.通过在“fileTypes”部分之后添加“firstLineMatch”键和字符串来编辑新的Makefile.tmLanguage。In the example below, the last two lines are new (should be added by you).在下面的示例中,最后两行是新的(应该由您添加)。The<string>section holds the regular expression, that will enable syntax highlighting for the files that match the first line.<string>部分包含正则表达式,该表达式将为与第一行匹配的文件启用语法突出显示。This expression recognizes two patterns: "-*-Makefile-*-" and "vim:syntax=make".该表达式识别两种模式:“-*-Makefile-*-”和“vim:syntax=make”。

... <key>fileTypes</key> <array> <string>GNUmakefile</string> <string>makefile</string> <string>Makefile</string> <string>OCamlMakefile</string> <string>make</string> </array> <key>firstLineMatch</key> <string>^#\\s*-\\*-Makefile-\\*-|^#.*\\s*vim:syntax=make</string>

Place the modifiedMakefile.tmLanguagein the User settings directory:将修改后的Makefile.tmLanguage放在用户设置目录中:


All the files matching the first line rule should turn the syntax highlighting on when opened.与第一行规则匹配的所有文件应在打开时打开语法高亮显示。


Go to aPackages/User, create (or edit) a.sublime-settingsfile named after the Syntax where you want to add the extensions,Ini.sublime-settingsin your case, then write there something like this:转到一个Packages/User,创建(或编辑)一个.sublime-settings文件,该文件以你希望添加扩展名的语法命名,在你的情况下是Ini.sublime-settings,然后写一下这样的东西:


And then restart Sublime Text然后重新启动Sublime Text


In the current version of Sublime Text 2 (Build: 2139), you can set the syntax for all files of a certain file extension using an option in the menu bar.在Sublime Text 2(Build:2139)的当前版本中,您可以使用菜单栏中的选项设置特定文件扩展名的所有文件的语法。Open a file with the extension you want to set a default for and navigate through the following menus:View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as... ->[your syntax choice].打开一个文件,其中包含您要为其设置默认值的扩展名,然后浏览以下菜单:View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as... ->[your syntax choice]

Updated -06-28:Recent builds of Sublime Text 2 (at least since Build 2181) have allowed the syntax to be set by clicking the current syntax type in the lower right corner of the window.更新-06-28:Sublime Text 2的最新版本(至少自Build 2181开始)允许通过单击窗口右下角的当前语法类型来设置语法。This will open the syntax selection menu with the option toOpen all with current extension as...at the top of the menu.这将打开语法选择菜单,并在菜单顶部选择Open all with current extension as...的选项。

Updated -04-19:As of now, this also works for Sublime Text 3.更新-04-19:截至目前,这也适用于Sublime Text 3。


In ST2 there's a package you can install called Default FileType which does just that.在ST2中,您可以安装一个名为Default FileType的软件包。More info on /spadgos/sublime-DefaultFileType .有关/spadgos/sublime-DefaultFileType的更多信息。
