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时间:2018-11-11 19:10:31




The Guardian《卫报》

Amazon profits surge as investment in faster shipping pays off

Revenues rise to $87bn for fourth quarter of

Christmas holidays were best in online retailer’s history

Dominic Rushe Thu 30 Jan 16.57 EST



多米尼克·鲁西 星期四1月30日美国东部时间16.57

Amazon’s massive investment in faster shipping paid off for the tech company over the Christmas holidays with record sales and four times as many customers taking advantage of its free one-day shipping offer over the shopping season compared with last year.


Amazon is spending billions making one-day shipping the default for its Prime members and the gamble helped drive its revenues up over $87bn for the final quarter of , or $29bn a month, compared with $72.4bn in the fourth quarter of .


Profits increased to $3.3bn in the fourth quarter, up from $3bn in the same period last year, after a fall of 25% from July to September due to its costly shipping investments. Amazon’s shares shot up over 10% in after-hours trading.


1.Amazon profits rocket on(因为,凭借,靠) investment gains(n.收益,投资) from faster shipping.

2.surge/soar/skyrocket/spike/boom/balloon/rocket 激增,飙升

3.ship 运输,运送,货运

4.pay off 取得成功,有回报

5.revenue 收入

6.billion(bn) 十亿

7.trillion 万亿

8.quarter 季度

9.retailer 零售商

10.retail/retailing giant 零售商巨头

11.EST (美国)东部标准时间

12.the tech company 这家科技公司

13.record sales 创纪录的销售额

14.take advantage of 利用

15.offer 特价

pared with/to //in comparison with 与…相比较

17.default 违约,默认

18.Prime member 金牌会员

19.gamble 赌博,冒险

20.drive sth up=push sth up 使…上升,增加

21.the same period 同期

22.Fiscal quarter 财政季度

23.due to=thanks to 因为

24.costly 昂贵的,代价高的

25.share 股价,股份

26.shoot up 上涨

27.After-hours trading 盘/市后交易

The New York Times《纽约时报》

Flying Into Patchy Fog, Kobe Bryant’s Pilot Had a Decision to Make

The weather was good when the helicopter with nine passengers left Orange County. But as they flew north, it quickly grew worse.

By Dave Philipps, Tim Arango and Louis Keene

Jan.27, Updated 9:44 p.m. ET

科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)的飞行员飞入团雾,做出了一个决定。当有9名乘客的直升机离开奥兰治县时,天气很好。但是当他们飞向北方时,情况迅速恶化。戴夫·菲利普斯(Dave Philipps),蒂姆·阿兰戈(Tim Arango)和路易·基恩(Louis Keene)1月27日,下午9:44(东部时间)更新。

CALABASAS, Calif. — The helicopter carrying the basketball legend Kobe Bryant on Sunday morning circled over a golf course in Los Angeles’s Griffith Park, awaiting clearance from air traffic controllers to continue its flight into the hills.


The weather 55 miles south in Orange County, where the helicopter had departed less than an hour earlier, had been fine — four miles visibility. Mr. Bryant had made the same flight from near his home on the coast to the Camarillo airport, north of Los Angeles near Mr. Bryant’s basketball academy, many times.


1.patchy fog 团雾

2.pilot 飞行员

3.helicopter 直升机

4.fly north 往北飞

5.legend 传奇

6.circled over a golf course 在高尔夫球场上盘旋

7.await=wait for 等待

8.clearance 许可

9.air traffic controllers 空中交通管制员

10.flight 飞行

11.55 miles south Orange County 55英里以南的奥兰治县

12.depart 离开,启程(depart from) departing CEO 即将离任的CEO

13. visibility 能见度

14.visible 可见的

15.invisible barrier=glass ceiling 无形的障碍

16.Mamba Academy/Spirit 曼巴学院/精神

17.north of 以北

18.many times=multiple times 多次

New Scientist 《新科学家》

Microplastic pollution reduces animal life at the bottom of lakes


By Adam Vaughan



亚当·沃恩(Adam Vaughan)

Hotspots of microplastics can significantly reduce the number of certain animals vital to the ecosystems at the bottom of lakes, ponds and canals.


We know our waterways are being contaminated by plastic particles, but we don’t know if this is harming the animals that live at the bottom of freshwater bodies of water, which are a crucial source of food for larger species.


Now, a study has found that exposing a family of worms called Naididae to a high concentration of microplastics roughly halved their number. Losing the Naididae worms matters, says study author Paula Redondo-Hasselerharm at Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands.

现在,一项研究发现,将名为Naididae的蠕虫科暴露于高浓度的微塑料中,其数量大约减少了一半。荷兰瓦赫宁根大学和研究机构的研究作者Paula Redondo-Hasselerharm说,失去Naididae蠕虫很重要。

1.microplastic 微塑料

2.animal life at the bottom of lakes=animal life living at/dwelling at/residing at/inhabiting the bottom of lakes

3.inhabitant=dweller 居民,居住者

4.microeconomics 微观经济学

5.macroeconomic 宏观经济学

6.animal life 动物

7.plant life 植物

8.hotspots 热点,(引申义)聚集的地方,集中的地方

9.We should do all/everything(尽最大努力)in our power to foster(培养) good habits vital to sucess.

10.ecosystem 生态系统

11.the Grand Canal 大运河

12.waterway 水道

13.be contaminated 被污染

14.plastic particles 塑料颗粒

15.fine particles 细微的颗粒

16.particulate matter 微粒物质

17.freshwater bodies of water 淡水水体

18.food chain 食物链,食品连锁店

19.larger species 大型物种

20.a family of worms 蠕虫科

21.concentration 浓度

22.roughly 大约

23.halved(half) 减少了一半

24.upset the biological balance 打破生态平衡

25.In light of the raging outbreak of the novel coronavirus,a growing share of wage earners are opting for working from home.(介词短语引导的原因状语)


in the light of =considering/given 鉴于

26.a growing share of wage earners are opting for working from home,significantly pushing/driving down operating costs of companies across industries.


across the industry 整个行业

Time 《时代周刊》

Warren Buffett Is Selling His Newspaper Empire After Lamenting Industry Is ‘Toast’



沃伦·巴菲特在哀叹报业(the newspaper industry)大势已去/行将就木后,将要出售他的报业帝国



Warren Buffett is getting out of the newspaper business.

沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)将退出报纸行业。

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. agreed to sell its BH Media unit and its 30 daily newspapers to Lee Enterprises Inc., which owns papers including the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, for $140 million in cash. Lee has been managing the papers for Buffett’s company since , and Berkshire is loaning Lee the money for the purchase.

伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)同意将其BH媒体部门及其30家日报出售给里氏企业公司(Lee Enterprise Inc.),这家公司拥有包括圣路易斯邮报报纸,以1.4亿美元现金的价格(出售)。自以来,李先生一直在管理巴菲特公司的报纸,而伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司也将为李先生的收购贷款。

Buffett, who got a job delivering papers as a teenager and invested in the industry to capitalize on its one-time local advertising stronghold, lamented last year that most newspapers are “toast.” BH Media, which owns papers across the country, has been cutting jobs for years to cope with declining ad revenue.

巴菲特(Buffett)少年的时候就得到了一份送报纸的工作,并在该行业进行了投资,以利用报纸行业原来有的(一度有的)地方性的广告堡垒(据点),并感叹去年大部分报纸大势已去。 BH 媒体在全国各地拥有报纸,已经裁员多年,以应对广告收入下降的情况。

“We had zero interest in selling the group to anyone else for one simple reason: We believe that Lee is best positioned to manage through the industry’s challenges,” Buffett said in a statement Wednesday.


1.Person of the Year 年度人物

2.newspaper empire 报业帝国

3.emperor 皇帝,帝王

4.lament 哀叹,悲痛,痛惜

5.toast 吐司;考,烘(面包等);干杯,祝酒;为…干杯,向…祝酒;深受敬慕的人,最受推崇的人;完蛋,遭殃(a person in desperate straits)

6.acquire/buy/purchase/take over 收购

7.require v.需要

8.merge 合并,融合

9.nature 自然

10.nurture 培养,培育

11.rural 乡村的,农村的

12.trending topic 热门话题

13.trending search 热搜

14.We are running in the red.我们的运营正在亏损/赤字。

15.in the black 有余额,有余钱

16.get out of=pull out of=withdraw from 退出

17.incorporated(inc) adj.有限责任公司

18.sell sth to sb for money

19.loan sb for sth 借某人钱做某事

20.purchasing power 购买力

21.deliver papers 送报纸

22.capitalize on sth 充分利用

23.one-time 原先有的

24.stronghold 堡垒,据点

25.cut jobs=shed jobs=laying off employees 裁员

26.had zero interest in 对…毫无兴趣

27.zero tolerance 零容忍
