100字范文 > 测试听力软件 高考英语听力听每日测试

测试听力软件 高考英语听力听每日测试

时间:2018-11-29 20:24:39


测试听力软件 高考英语听力听每日测试




1.Why did the woman get the book so late?

A.The post office lost the book.

B.It was on the way for 3 years.

C.It was the man’s boss’ fault.

2. How much does one ticket cost?


3.What is the man’s attitude towards the cafeteria?

A.He doesn’t mind eating there.

B.He doesn’t like the food there.

C.He likes the food,but it’s crowded.

4.Why does the woman ask the man to copy the note?

A.His handwriting is good.

B.He can type quickly.

C.He is good at computers.

5.What do we learn from this conversation?

A.The man won’t go to the concert.

B.The woman will go home for dinner.

C.The man and the woman will eat together.




6. What does the man cook for dinner?

A.A pizza. B.A hamburger.

C.A sandwich.

7.What does the woman think of the food?

A.Very delicious. B.Too salty.

C.A little spicy.

8. Where will they probably have their dinner?

A.At home. B.At a restaurant.

C.In the man’s office.


9.What does the man show to the woman?

A.His visa.B.His ID card.

C.His passport.

10.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Take his luggage with him.

B.Carry less luggage.

C.Check his luggage.

11.Where are the speakers?

A.At a bus stop.

B.At an airport.

C.At a railway station.


12.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?


B.Shop assistant and customer.

C.Waitress and customer.

13.What happened to the man’s records?

A.He lost them in Canada.

B.He sent them to his sister.

C.He broke them accidentally.

14.How much is each of the record?



15.Where are the two speakers?

A.In the USA. B.In Europe.

C.In China.

16. Why is there no national health insurance here?

A.The government hasn’t realized its importance.

B. The people don’t think the government can do it better.

C.The government hasn’t paid enough money for it.

17. What does the man think of having good insurance?

A.Expensive. B.Unnecessary.



18.What service is being advertised?

A.Carpet cleaning. B.Food service.

C.House repair.

19. What is the cost of the service if customers call now?

A.$4.49. B.$25.46. C.$ 29.95.

20. Who is most likely to call for the service?

A.Master Cleaners.

B.Repair workers.


(Text 1)

W:Thank goodness you’re here.I’ve been waiting for 3 days to get the book.

M:Well,don’t blame me.It was my boss that forgot all about it.

(Text 2)

Here’s a onehundreddollar bill.I’d like to buy four tickets for tonight’s show.

M:OK,four tickets.And here’s ten dollars change.

(Text 3)

I hate cafeteria food,and it seems like there is no place to sit.

W:I can understand,but then where are we going to get lunch?

M:I think we could go to the restaurant across the street.

(Text 4)

Tom,your handwriting is much better than mine.Would you please copy this note for me?I need two copies.

M:That’s a lot of work.You can just use the computer.

W:Good idea.I never thought of that.

(Text 5)

W:I want to go to the concert tonight,but it starts at 7,and I have to work until 5.There won’t be enough time to go home for dinner.

M:I’ve got an idea.I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll eat downtown.That’ll give us plenty of time to go to the concert.

W:Sounds good.

(Text 6)

M:Time to eat!

W:Oh,I’m starving.Where is Mom?

M:Mom put me in charge of dinner because she’s not feeling well tonight.

W:But what is it ...and that smell?

M:It’s pizza.I just followed an old family recipe here,and ...

W:Let me see that ...Oh,you’re missing a page!

M:Oh,uh,well,uh ...well I couldn’t find the second page of the recipe.But don’t worry,I have plenty of experience around the house.

W:Let me try it.Oh,you put too much salt in it and it’s burnt.

M:Well,I think we’ d better go out for dinner.

(Text 7)

W: Hello.Where are you heading today?

M:I’m off to Barcelona for a week.

W:Do you have your passport with you?

M:Yes,here you are.I don’t need a visa to go to Spain,do I?

W:Fortunately for you,you don’t.Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

M:Are there any seat available by the emergency exits?

W:Let me see here ...Yes,there’s one left.

M:OK.I’ll take that one then.

W:Alright.How many pieces of luggage are you checking in?

M:I like to travel light so I just have this one.

W:If that’s your only piece of luggage,it is small enough to carry on with you.

M:That’s a fantastic idea.Which gate do I need to go to?

W:You’re here a bit early,so check the departure screens in the waiting area in about half an hour.Here’s your boarding pass.Enjoy your flight!

(Text 8)

W:Hi!Can I help you?

M:Hi!Have you got any records of modern guitar music?

W:We’ve got a lot of them.Which one are you looking for?

M:I’m looking for some records of Julian Bream.I saw them in your window last week and I had them before in Canada,but I broke them.

W:What happened?

M:They were in my bag.I sat on my bag and broke the records.My sister told me about your shop.I came here last week and saw the records.

W:Let’s look for the records.Oh,yes,the records are there on the shelf.

M:How much are those three?

W:They are four pounds and fifty pence.

M:Here is five pounds.

(Text 9)

W: My colleagues at work say I should get a health insurance.What do you think?

M:I think it’s important.I can give you my insurance agent’s card if you want.

W:But I’m not sure what kind I need.In Germany,we have a national insurance program.But here you have nothing.

M:Yes,I know.Many countries have national health insurance.America doesn’t.

W:Why is that?

M:Well,it’s because of the American culture.Americans think private companies can do things better than the government. So we depend on private companies for insurance.

W:But isn’t that expensive?

M:You’re right.It is expensive.And many people criticize it.They say it is not fair to poor people.They say the health systems are better in other countries,especially in Europe.

W:But what do you think?

M:I have no idea.I just do my best to have good insurance.It’s important.

(Text 10)

Hey,you ! This is your carpet speaking.Hello! Hey,I take a real beating from you and your family every day.The kids track mud all over me; the dog leaves a bunch of fur balls everywhere.You spilt coffee the other day while entertaining guests,and your husband left a trail of potato chip crumbs from the sofa to the kitchen last night while watching the football game.Don’t you think it’s about time to give me a good cleaning?

Now pick up that phone and call Master Cleaners now.I see them on the TV all the time.They’ll clean any three rooms for $29.95,and any connecting hall is free.Plus,they’ll throw in a free bottle of their amazing spot remover.And if you call now,you’ll receive a 15% discount off their already low prices.So,come on ! Give them a call at 637 -5001,and make life a little easier.Uh,nice doggie,nice doggie...






