100字范文 > 如何自定义您的Nintendo Switch主屏幕

如何自定义您的Nintendo Switch主屏幕

时间:2022-06-26 04:15:08


如何自定义您的Nintendo Switch主屏幕


If you have a lot of games for the Nintendo Switch, your home screen may become hard to navigate. There are a few ways you can customize your Nintendo Switch to prevent clutter and organize your game library. Here’s how.

如果您有很多Nintendo Switch游戏,您的主屏幕可能会变得难以导航。 您可以通过几种方式自定义Nintendo Switch,以防止混乱并组织游戏库。 这是如何做。

Nintendo Switch主屏幕 (The Nintendo Switch Home Screen)

Even though it was released in , the Nintendo Switch still has minimal customization options compared to other modern devices. The Switch still doesn’t offer custom wallpapers or user-generated themes. It also doesn’t have support for folders or categories, which Nintendo eventually added to the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Because of this, if you own a lot of games, your home screen can get cluttered very quickly.

尽管Nintendo Switch于发布,但与其他现代设备相比仍然具有最少的自定义选项。 Switch仍然不提供自定义墙纸或用户生成的主题。 它还不支持文件夹或类别,任天堂最终将其添加到Nintendo 3DS和Wii U中。因此,如果您拥有很多游戏,则主屏幕可能会很快变得混乱。

However, there are a few simple things you can do to make your home screen appear more organized and customize it to your liking. Here are a few of the things you can do.

但是,您可以执行一些简单的操作来使主屏幕看起来更有条理,并根据自己的喜好对其进行自定义。 这是您可以做的一些事情。

排序和排序游戏 (Sorting and Ordering Games)

By default, the 12 games shown on your home screen are the 12 most recent games that you either played, installed, or inserted into the Switch. There is currently no way to manually arrange these games, other than by opening a game to push it to the start of the screen or by switching the inserted cartridge in the console.

默认情况下,主屏幕上显示的12个游戏是您玩过,安装或插入到Switch中的12个最新游戏。 除了打开游戏以将其推到屏幕的开头或在控制台中切换插入的卡带盒外,目前无法手动安排这些游戏。

However, if you have accumulated more than a dozen games in your library, scrolling all the way to the right of the home screen leads you to the “All Software” menu, which shows you all of your owned and downloaded titles in a grid.


From here, you have several options for sorting all the games in your library that you can access by pressing R on your console. You can sort by:

在这里,您可以通过几个选项对库中的所有游戏进行排序,您可以通过在控制台上按R来访问这些游戏。 您可以排序:

Most Recently Played:Similar to the way that the default home screen is sorted.


Longest Play Time:This will sort games by how long you’ve played them. Games that you have never played are automatically at the bottom of the list.

最长播放时间:这将根据您玩游戏的时间对游戏进行排序。 您从未玩过的游戏将自动位于列表的底部。

Title:This will sort all software in alphabetical order.


Publisher:This will sort your titles by the name of the publisher, in alphabetical order. You can see the publisher of a title by pressing the plus button on a game in the menu.

发布者:这将按照发布者的名称按字母顺序对标题进行排序。 您可以通过按菜单中游戏上的加号按钮来查看标题的发行者。

删除很少玩的游戏 (Removing Rarely Played Games)

With the number of games frequently going on sale, there’s a good chance you have at least a couple of games you no longer play or rarely ever play. Another way to make your games list more streamlined is by removing your rarely played games from your Switch and decluttering your games list. This has the bonus of freeing up space on your internal storage or microSD card.

随着大量游戏的发售 ,您很有可能至少有几款不再玩或很少玩的游戏。 使游戏列表更精简的另一种方法是从Switch中删除您很少玩的游戏,并整理游戏列表。 这样可以释放内部存储或microSD卡上的空间。

You can only do this for digital titles that have been downloaded from the Nintendo eShop. Here’s how you remove a title from your Switch:

您只能对从Nintendo eShop下载的数字出版物执行此操作。 以下是从Switch删除标题的方法:

Select the game, either from your home screen or the “All Software.”从主屏幕或“所有软件”中选择游戏。 Press the “+” button on your right joy-con to bring up the menu.按下右侧游戏手柄上的“ +”按钮以调出菜单。 From the game menu, select “Manage Software” on the left.从游戏菜单中,选择左侧的“管理软件”。 Select “Delete Software.”选择“删除软件”。

This deletes the title from your library and from your home screen. However, this does not remove the game from your account, as your purchases will still be linked to your Nintendo profile. You can still add the title back to your Switch at any time by navigating to the eShop, clicking on your profile at the top right, and selecting “Redownload” from the menu. From here, you can download any games that you own but that aren’t currently on your system.

这将从图书馆和主屏幕中删除标题。 但是,这不会将游戏从您的帐户中删除,因为您的购买仍将链接到您的Nintendo个人资料。 您仍然可以随时通过导航到eShop,单击右上角的个人资料,然后从菜单中选择“重新下载”,将标题重新添加到Switch。 从这里,您可以下载自己拥有但系统上当前没有的任何游戏。

更改背景和家庭主题 (Changing Your Background and Home Theme)

The last thing you can do to customize your Switch’s home screen is to change your background and home theme.


From the home screen, select the “System Settings” button at the bottom. Select the “Theme” option on the left side of the screen. From here, you can select between the available themes for the Switch: Basic White and Basic Black.

在主屏幕上,选择底部的“系统设置”按钮。 选择屏幕左侧的“主题”选项。 在这里,您可以在开关的可用主题之间进行选择:基本白色和基本黑色。

At the start of , the Switch only offers these two themes.You’re basically just deciding if you want a dark theme or a light theme.

在初,Switch只提供这两个主题。 基本上,您只是在决定要深色主题还是浅色主题。

However, both the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eventually gained support for purchasing and downloading themes, so the Switch will likely also get the feature in the future. Stay tuned for updates to your Switch’s firmware.

但是,Nintendo 3DS和Wii U最终都获得了购买和下载主题的支持,因此Switch将来可能还会获得该功能。 请继续关注Switch固件的更新。

翻译自: /465427/how-to-customize-your-nintendo-switch-home-screen/
