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android contentprovider api Content Provider Basics

时间:2021-01-24 17:38:13


android contentprovider api Content Provider Basics










Table 1: Sample user dictionary table.


app id






























注意:提供者并不是一定需要主键,它不需要使用_ID 作为主键的列名如果已经存在。然而,如果你想绑定一个提供者到一个ListView,一个列名是需要_ID的。对于这个需要的解释,在这里:Displaying query results。




注意:访问一个提供者,应用程序通常在manifest文件里请求指定的权限。在Content Provider Permissions一节里有更多细节。

例如,从User Dictionary Provider获取单词的一列和语言环境,你调用ContentResolver.query().query()函数调用定义的函数[ ContentProvider.query()]。下面的代码显示的是一个[ ContentResolver.query()]调用:

// Queries the user dictionary and returns results

mCursor = getContentResolver().query(

UserDictionary.Words.CONTENT_URI, // The content URI of the words table

mProjection, // The columns to return for each row

mSelectionClause // Selection criteria

mSelectionArgs, // Selection criteria

mSortOrder); // The sort order for the returned rows

Table 2 shows how the arguments to

Table 2: Query() compared to SQL query.

query() argument

SELECT keyword/parameter



FROM table_name

Uri maps to the table in the provider named table_name.



projection is an array of columns that should be included for each row



WHERE col = value

selection specifies the criteria for selecting rows.


(No exact equivalent. Selection arguments replace ? placeholders in the

selection clause.)


ORDER BY col,col,...

sortOrder specifies the order in which rows appear in the returned

Content URIs


上面的代码,常量CONTENT_URI包含user dictionary的单词表的内容URI。对象ContentResolver 解析URI的权限,使用它。ContentResolver能分派查询参数来更正提供者。






Uri singleUri = ContentUri.withAppendedId(UserDictionary.Words.CONTENT_URI,4);




从提供者里获取数据,例子使用User Dictionary Provider。

为了清晰,这一节的代码段在“UI线程”里调用ContentResolver.query()。实际的代码,然而,你需要在分开的线程里做异步查询。可以使用CursorLoader实现,更多的信息在Loaders 指南。代码很短;他们没有显示一个完整的应用。








在Content Provider Permissions一节,有关于访问提供者的权限的更多信息。

User Dictionary Provider在manifest文件里定义android.permission.READ_USER_DICTIONARY权限,应用程序想从提供者读取需要这个权限。


下一步获取数据时提供者构造一个查询。第一个片段为访问User Dictionary Provider定义了一些变量:

// A "projection" defines the columns that will be returned for each row

String[] mProjection =


UserDictionary.Words._ID, // Contract class constant for the _ID column name

UserDictionary.Words.WORD, // Contract class constant for the word column name

UserDictionary.Words.LOCALE // Contract class constant for the locale column name


// Defines a string to contain the selection clause

String mSelectionClause = null;

// Initializes an array to contain selection arguments

String[] mSelectionArgs = {""};



下面的片段,如果用户不输入一个单词,设置为null,查询返回提供者里所有的单词。如果用户输入一个单词,设置 UserDictionary.Words.Word + " = ?" 并且选择参数数组的第一个元素设置为用户输入的。


* This defines a one-element String array to contain the selection argument.


String[] mSelectionArgs = {""};

// Gets a word from the UI

mSearchString = mSearchWord.getText().toString();

// Remember to insert code here to check for invalid or malicious input.

// If the word is the empty string, gets everything

if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchString)) {

// Setting the selection clause to null will return all words

mSelectionClause = null;

mSelectionArgs[0] = "";

} else {

// Constructs a selection clause that matches the word that the user entered.

mSelectionClause = UserDictionary.Words.WORD + " = ?";

// Moves the user's input string to the selection arguments.

mSelectionArgs[0] = mSearchString;


// Does a query against the table and returns a Cursor object

mCursor = getContentResolver().query(

UserDictionary.Words.CONTENT_URI, // The content URI of the words table

mProjection, // The columns to return for each row

mSelectionClause // Either null, or the word the user entered

mSelectionArgs, // Either empty, or the string the user entered

mSortOrder); // The sort order for the returned rows

// Some providers return null if an error occurs, others throw an exception

if (null == mCursor) {


* Insert code here to handle the error. Be sure not to use the cursor! You may want to

* call android.util.Log.e() to log this error.



// If the Cursor is empty, the provider found no matches

} else if (mCursor.getCount() < 1) {


* Insert code here to notify the user that the search was unsuccessful. This isn't necessarily

* an error. You may want to offer the user the option to insert a new row, or re-type the

* search term.


} else {

// Insert code here to do something with the results



SELECT _ID, word, frequency, locale FROM words WHERE word = ORDER BY word ASC;



如果通过提供者管理的数据在SQL数据库里,包括外部不可信的数据进入原始的SQL语句会导致SQL注入。 考虑这种情况:

Consider this selection clause:

// Constructs a selection clause by concatenating the user's input to the column name

String mSelectionClause = "var = " + mUserInput;

如果你这样做,你就允许用户串联恶意的SQL到你的SQL语句里。例如:用户可以为mUserInput输入“nothing; DROP TABLE *;”结果选择语句var = nothing; DROP TABLE *;

当选择语句被认为是一个SQL语句,就会引起提供者擦除SQLite数据库里所有的表(除非提供者设置捕获SQL injection 的语句)。


// Constructs a selection clause with a replaceable parameter

String mSelectionClause = "var = ?";


// Defines an array to contain the selection arguments

String[] selectionArgs = {""};


// Sets the selection argument to the user's input

selectionArgs[0] = mUserInput;



ContentResolver.query() 函数总是返回一个Cursor ,它包含查询的Projection指定的列,行是匹配查询选择标准的。一个Cursor 对象提供随机的读行权限还有它包含的列。使用Cursor 函数,你可以在结果里遍历行,决定每列的数据类型,获取列外的数据,使用结果的其它属性。一些Cursor 实现当提供者数据变化时自动的更新。或当Cursor 改变是触发观察对象的方法,或者两者都有。


如果没有匹配选择标准的行,提供者返回一个Cursor对象,它的Cursor.getCount() 是0(一个空的cursor)。




// Defines a list of columns to retrieve from the Cursor and load into an output row

String[] mWordListColumns =


UserDictionary.Words.WORD, // Contract class constant containing the word column name

UserDictionary.Words.LOCALE // Contract class constant containing the locale column name


// Defines a list of View IDs that will receive the Cursor columns for each row

int[] mWordListItems = { R.id.dictWord, R.id.locale};

// Creates a new SimpleCursorAdapter

mCursorAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(

getApplicationContext(), // The application's Context object

R.layout.wordlistrow, // A layout in XML for one row in the ListView

mCursor, // The result from the query

mWordListColumns, // A string array of column names in the cursor

mWordListItems, // An integer array of view IDs in the row layout

0); // Flags (usually none are needed)

// Sets the adapter for the ListView




不是简单显示你查询的结果,你可使用它们做别的任务。例如:你可以从user dictionary获取拼写并且在其它提供者里查询。可以在Cursor里遍历行:

// Determine the column index of the column named "word"

int index = mCursor.getColumnIndex(UserDictionary.Words.WORD);


* Only executes if the cursor is valid. The User Dictionary Provider returns null if

* an internal error occurs. Other providers may throw an Exception instead of returning null.


if (mCursor != null) {


* Moves to the next row in the cursor. Before the first movement in the cursor, the

* "row pointer" is -1, and if you try to retrieve data at that position you will get an

* exception.


while (mCursor.moveToNext()) {

// Gets the value from the column.

newWord = mCursor.getString(index);

// Insert code here to process the retrieved word.


// end of while loop


} else {

// Insert code here to report an error if the cursor is null or the provider threw an exception.




一个内容提供者可以指明其它需要访问数据的程序的权限。权限确保用户知道程序想要访问的数据。基于提供者的请求,程序请求权限以此访问提供者。当安装应用程序的时候,终端用户看到请求权限。 如果提供者的程序不指明权限,其它应用程序不可以访问数据。然而,提供者程序的组件拥有所有的读写权,不管有没有指定。

之前提到的,User Dictionary Provider请求android.permission.READ_USER_DICTIONARY 权限来获取数据。提供者为插入、更新、删除数据分开android.permission.WRITE_USER_DICTIONARY 权限。

获取访问提供者访问的权限,一个应用程序需要在manifest文件里有元素。当Android包管理器安装应用程序,用户必须同意程序请求的所有权限。如果用户允许,包管理器继续安装;如果用户不允许,包管理器终止安装。 下面的元素请求User Dictionary Provider读访问。

关于提供者权限的影响,更多的信息在Security and Permissions 。


一些你从提供者获取数据的方法,你使用提供者客户端和提供者的ContentProvider 来修改数据。你调用函数**。提供者和提供者客户端自动处理安全和进程间通信。


向一个提供者插入数据,你可以调用。这个函数插入一个新的行,返回该行的内容URI。以下代码显示如何向一个User Dictionary Provider插入新行:



newUri 返回的内容URI指明新增加的行,使用如下格式:


The is the contents of _ID for the new row.

Most providers can detect this form of content URI automatically and then perform the requested

operation on that particular row.

To get the value of _ID from the returned

Updating data

To update a row, you use a null.

The following snippet changes all the rows whose locale has the language "en" to a

have a locale of null. The return value is the number of rows that were updated:

// Defines an object to contain the updated values

ContentValues mUpdateValues = new ContentValues();

// Defines selection criteria for the rows you want to update

String mSelectionClause = UserDictionary.Words.LOCALE + "LIKE ?";

String[] mSelectionArgs = {"en_%"};

// Defines a variable to contain the number of updated rows

int mRowsUpdated = 0;



* Sets the updated value and updates the selected words.



mRowsUpdated = getContentResolver().update(

UserDictionary.Words.CONTENT_URI, // the user dictionary content URI

mUpdateValues // the columns to update

mSelectionClause // the column to select on

mSelectionArgs // the value to compare to


You should also sanitize user input when you call

Protecting against malicious input.

Deleting data

Deleting rows is similar to retrieving row data: you specify selection criteria for the rows

you want to delete and the client method returns the number of deleted rows.

The following snippet deletes rows whose appid matches "user". The method returns the

number of deleted rows.

// Defines selection criteria for the rows you want to delete

String mSelectionClause = UserDictionary.Words.APP_ID + " LIKE ?";

String[] mSelectionArgs = {"user"};

// Defines a variable to contain the number of rows deleted

int mRowsDeleted = 0;


// Deletes the words that match the selection criteria

mRowsDeleted = getContentResolver().delete(

UserDictionary.Words.CONTENT_URI, // the user dictionary content URI

mSelectionClause // the column to select on

mSelectionArgs // the value to compare to


You should also sanitize user input when you call

Protecting against malicious input.

Provider Data Types

Content providers can offer many different data types. The User Dictionary Provider offers only

text, but providers can also offer the following formats:


long integer (long)

floating point

long floating point (double)

Another data type that providers often use is Binary Large OBject (BLOB) implemented as a

64KB byte array. You can see the available data types by looking at the

The data type for each column in a provider is usually listed in its documentation.

The data types for the User Dictionary Provider are listed in the reference documentation

for its contract class Contract Classes).

You can also determine the data type by calling

Providers also maintain MIME data type information for each content URI they define. You can

use the MIME type information to find out if your application can handle data that the

provider offers, or to choose a type of handling based on the MIME type. You usually need the

MIME type when you are working with a provider that contains complex

data structures or files. For example, the

The section MIME Type Reference describes the

syntax of both standard and custom MIME types.

Alternative Forms of Provider Access

Three alternative forms of provider access are important in application development:

Batch access: You can create a batch of access calls with methods in


Asynchronous queries: You should do queries in a separate thread. One way to do this is to

use a Loaders guide demonstrate

how to do this.

Data access via intents: Although you can't send an intent

directly to a provider, you can send an intent to the provider's application, which is

usually the best-equipped to modify the provider's data.

Batch access and modification via intents are described in the following sections.

Batch access

Batch access to a provider is useful for inserting a large number of rows, or for inserting

rows in multiple tables in the same method call, or in general for performing a set of

operations across process boundaries as a transaction (an atomic operation).

To access a provider in "batch mode",

you create an array of authority to this

method, rather than a particular content URI, which allows each

The description of the Contact Manager

sample application contains an example of batch access in its ContactAdder.java

source file.

Displaying data using a helper app

If your application does have access permissions, you still may want to use an

intent to display data in another application. For example, the Calendar application accepts an

Calendar Provider guide.

The application to which you send the intent doesn't have to be the application

associated with the provider. For example, you can retrieve a contact from the

Contact Provider, then send an

Data access via intents

Intents can provide indirect access to a content provider. You allow the user to access

data in a provider even if your application doesn't have access permissions, either by

getting a result intent back from an application that has permissions, or by activating an

application that has permissions and letting the user do work in it.

Getting access with temporary permissions

You can access data in a content provider, even if you don't have the proper access

permissions, by sending an intent to an application that does have the permissions and

receiving back a result intent containing "URI" permissions.

These are permissions for a specific content URI that last until the activity that receives

them is finished. The application that has permanent permissions grants temporary

permissions by setting a flag in the result intent:

Note: These flags don't give general read or write access to the provider

whose authority is contained in the content URI. The access is only for the URI itself.

A provider defines URI permissions for content URIs in its manifest, using the

Security and Permissions guide,

in the section "URI Permissions".

For example, you can retrieve data for a contact in the Contacts Provider, even if you don't

have the

Your application sends an intent containing the action

Because this intent matches the intent filter for the

People app's "selection" activity, the activity will come to the foreground.

In the selection activity, the user selects a

contact to update. When this happens, the selection activity calls

Your activity returns to the foreground, and the system calls your activity's

With the content URI from the result intent, you can read the contact's data

from the Contacts Provider, even though you didn't request permanent read access permission

to the provider in your manifest. You can then get the contact's birthday information

or his or her email address and then send the e-greeting.

Using another application

A simple way to allow the user to modify data to which you don't have access permissions is to

activate an application that has permissions and let the user do the work there.

For example, the Calendar application accepts an

Contract Classes

A contract class defines constants that help applications work with the content URIs, column

names, intent actions, and other features of a content provider. Contract classes are not

included automatically with a provider; the provider's developer has to define them and then

make them available to other developers. Many of the providers included with the Android

platform have corresponding contract classes in the package

For example, the User Dictionary Provider has a contract class

String[] mProjection =






Another contract class is

MIME Type Reference

Content providers can return standard MIME media types, or custom MIME type strings, or both.

MIME types have the format


For example, the well-known MIME type text/html has the text type and

the html subtype. If the provider returns this type for a URI, it means that a

query using that URI will return text containing HTML tags.

Custom MIME type strings, also called "vendor-specific" MIME types, have more

complex type and subtype values. The type value is always


for multiple rows, or


for a single row.

The subtype is provider-specific. The Android built-in providers usually have a simple

subtype. For example, the when the Contacts application creates a row for a telephone number,

it sets the following MIME type in the row:


Notice that the subtype value is simply phone_v2.

Other provider developers may create their own pattern of subtypes based on the provider's

authority and table names. For example, consider a provider that contains train timetables.

The provider's authority is com.example.trains, and it contains the tables

Line1, Line2, and Line3. In response to the content URI


for table Line1, the provider returns the MIME type


In response to the content URI


for row 5 in table Line2, the provider returns the MIME type


Most content providers define contract class constants for the MIME types they use. The

Contacts Provider contract class

Content URIs for single rows are described in the section

Content URIs.
