100字范文 > 手机主题随手机壳改变_无线充电可以与手机壳一起使用吗?


时间:2020-05-23 00:15:49




With wireless charging making its way into the new iPhones, there are undoubtedly a lot of questions floating around about how this technology works in practical application. The biggest question I’ve heard so far is: will it work with a case?

随着无线充电进入新的iPhone中,毫无疑问,有关这项技术在实际应用中如何工作的问题浮出水面。 到目前为止,我听到的最大问题是:是否可以与案件一起使用?

The short answer is simple: Yes. For the most part, wireless charging works fine with a case. Direct contact isn’t necessary to initiate charging, so having a few millimeters between your phone and the charger isn’t going to hurt anything.

简短的答案很简单:是的。 在大多数情况下,无线充电可以与外壳配合使用。 无需直接接触即可开始充电,因此手机与充电器之间只有几毫米的距离不会对您造成任何伤害。

That said, there are someother considerations before you wrap that new phone up in the bulkiest case you can find.


For starters, the bulkiest casesshouldstill be okay, but I’d be wary—the thicker the case is, the more likely the charger just won’t be able to make contact. Things like Otterboxes should be okay, as companies should take things like charging into consideration when designing these products. Even the Defender series, which offer the most protection of any Otterbox, shouldn’t cause a problem. Theoretically, anyway.

对于初学者来说,体积最大的情况下,仍然应该没问题,但我会警惕-的情况下越厚,越有可能充电器只是将无法取得联系。 像Otterboxes这样的事情应该没事,因为公司在设计这些产品时应该考虑诸如充电之类的事情。 即使是Defender系列,在所有Otterbox中提供最多的保护,也不会造成问题。 从理论上讲,无论如何。

There is, however, one type of case that will most definitely cause an issue: metal ones. We’ve all seen those super robust, beastly thick cases made of aluminum Those, while protective, are definitely going to break wireless charging. There’sa reason the newest iPhones dropped the aluminum shell for a solid glass back: wireless charging can’t conduct through aluminum.

但是,有一种情况肯定会引起问题:金属的。 我们都已经看到了那些铝制的超坚固耐用的外壳。那些具有保护性的外壳肯定会破坏无线充电。 最新的iPhone掉落铝制外壳的原因是坚固的玻璃后盖:无线充电无法通过铝制进行。

In fact, that’s the exact reason why many Android manufacturers have dropped wireless charging in recent years—it just won’t work with premium materials like aluminum, and looks have taken precedence over practicality. Hopefully that will start to change now.

实际上,这就是近年来许多Android制造商放弃无线充电的确切原因-它不能与铝等优质材料配合使用,并且外观优先于实用性。 希望现在这种情况将开始改变。

In addition, you’ll want to considerthe charger itself. If you’re using a cheap,four dollar charger that you got from Wish, there’s a chance it may not be strong enough to penetrate the case. I’m not saying for certain that this will be an issue, but I am suggesting a bit of research for agoodwireless charger is can’t hurt. Wireless charging has been around for several years now, and the prices of chargers has dropped dramatically since its introduction, so you should be able to get a solid, reliable, trustworthy charger that won’t break the bank.

此外,您需要考虑充电器本身。 如果您使用的是从Wish购买的便宜的四美元充电器,则有可能它的强度不足以穿透外壳。 我并不能肯定地说这将是一个问题,但我建议您对一个好的无线充电器进行一些研究不会有什么坏处。 无线充电已经存在了好几年,并且自推出以来,充电器的价格已大幅下降,因此您应该能够获得一款坚固,可靠,可信赖的充电器,而且不会破产。

So there you go. Wireless charging is a great technology, and I’m personally glad to see Apple adopt it in the newest iPhones. And as long as you do your due diligence when buying your case and charger, you should be fine. Enjoy.

所以你去了。 无线充电是一项很棒的技术,我个人很高兴看到Apple在最新的iPhone中采用它。 而且,只要您在购买箱子和充电器时都进行了尽职调查,就可以了。 请享用。

翻译自: /326085/does-wireless-charging-work-with-a-case/

