100字范文 > python实现的简单文本类游戏实例


时间:2019-01-20 09:05:04







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############################################################# - My version on the game "Dragon Realm".# - taken from the book "invent with python" by Al Sweigart.# - thanks for a great book Mr Sweigart.# - this code takes advantage of python 3.#############################################################files.pyimport randomimport timeprint(\ \n[--system--] one file is bad the other is good ..guess the right one.\n)print(\ \nconnecting....)time.sleep(1)print(....)time.sleep(1)print(....)time.sleep(1)print(....)time.sleep(1)print(\ connection established)def displayIntro(): print(------------) print(SYSTEM FILES) print(------------\n) print(1.) file.) print(2.) file.\n)def chooseOption(): option = \ while option != 1 and option != 2: print(which file to download? 1 or 2) option = input(user:> ) return optiondef checkOption(chosenOption): print(\ intialising download....) time.sleep(1) print(accessing file....) time.sleep(1) print(downloading....) time.sleep(1) print(....) time.sleep(1) print(....) time.sleep(1) goodfile = random.randint(1, 2) if chosenOption == str(goodfile): print(\ download complete.) print(\ GAME OVER) else: print(\ file corrupt) print(system infected.) print(\ GAME OVER)playAgain = yeswhile playAgain == yes: displayIntro() optionNumber = chooseOption() checkOption(optionNumber) print(\ download again? .... (yes or no)) playAgain = input(user:> )

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############################################################# - My version of the game "guess the number".# - taken from the book "invent with python" by Al Sweigart.# - thanks for a great book Mr Sweigart.# - this code takes advantage of python 3.############################################################# -NOTE - this program will crash if a number is not typed.#digitcode.pyimport randomimport timeguessesTaken = 0print(\ \n\n\n\n[--system--] enter code in 15 trys to avoid lockout\n)print(\ connecting....)time.sleep(1)print(....)time.sleep(1)print(....)time.sleep(1)print(....)time.sleep(1)print(connection established\n)print(---------------------)print( MAINFRAME - LOGIN )print(---------------------)print(\ enter 3 digit access code..)number = random.randint(000, 999)while guessesTaken ) guess = int(guess) guessesTaken = guessesTaken + 1 if guess number: print(\ ACCESS - DENIED -code to high) if guess == number: breakif guess == number: guessesTaken = str(guessesTaken) print(\ verifying ....) time.sleep(1) print(\ authenticating ....) time.sleep(1) print(....) time.sleep(1) print(....) time.sleep(1) print(\ ACCESS - GRANTED) print(\ GAME OVER\n) exit(0)if guess != number: number = str(number) print(\ ....) time.sleep(1) print(\ ....) time.sleep(1) print(\ SYSTEM LOCKED -the code was + number) print() exit(0)

