100字范文 > 农村妇女识字图像 images about rural women英语短句 例句大全

农村妇女识字图像 images about rural women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-29 01:10:49


农村妇女识字图像 images about rural women英语短句 例句大全

农村妇女识字图像,images about rural women

1)images about rural women农村妇女识字图像

1.The appearance reason and culture function of literacyimages about rural women has been studied from the field of image communication.因此本文从以下几个方面研究新中国时期出现的农村妇女识字图像:第一部分,主要讨论图像出现的历史与原因。

2)Rural women农村妇女

1.Analysis on needs of NaFeEDTA fortified soy sauce and influencing factors among rural women in Guizhou;贵州农村妇女铁强化酱油需求及影响因素分析

2.Empirical analysis of the factors affecting rural women′s behavior of sci-tech adoption in South Fujian;闽南农村妇女科技采纳行为影响因素的实证分析

3.A consideration of developing the rural women intermediary organizations;培育和发展农村妇女中介组织的思考


1.ACMEL Associated Country Women of the World世界农村妇女协会(农村妇协)

2.Rabotnitsa i sjaljanka《劳动农村妇女》杂志

3.General survey of 46546 cases of gynecological diseases in rural women46546例农村妇女妇女病普查结果分析

4.Rural Women s Quality and a Well-off Rural Community in All-round Way;农村妇女素质与农村社会的全面小康

5.Women cadres should have the world in view, as should women in the rural areas.妇女干部要看世界,农村妇女也要看世界。

6.Rural Women s Non-agriculturalization and Adult Education in Our Country at Present;当前我国农村妇女非农化与成人教育


8.The Progress and Contributions of the Chinese Rural Women in the Development of Rural Reform中国农村妇女在农村改革发展中的进步与贡献

9.About half the labor force in the countryside is made up by women.农村妇女劳动力约占农村劳动力总数的一半。

10.The Action of Rural Women in New on the Countryside Construction;农村妇女在新时期农村建设中的作用研究

11.The Investigation and Research on Participation of Rural Women to Constructions of New Countryside in Fujian Province;福建省农村妇女参与新农村建设调查研究

12.The Flow of Rural Women Between Cities and Countryside in the Socialism New Rural Reconstruction;新农村建设中农村妇女城乡流动的问题与对策

13.On signification and Approaches of Improving the Overall Quality of Rural Women in Building Newly Socialist Villages;新农村建设中农村妇女综合素质的提高

14.Countryside women s participating in politics and building new sociacistic country;农村妇女参政议政与社会主义新农村建设

15.The Present Situation of the Women′s Political Participation in Rural Areas--Based on the investigation in Guangshui;农村妇女政治参与现状——基于广水市农村调查

16.An Empirical Study on the Changes of Rural Women s Social Status during Rural Industrialization;农村工业化进程中农村妇女社会地位的变迁

17.Research on the Development of Rural Women Vocational Education on the Background of New Countryside新农村背景下的农村妇女职业教育发展研究

18.Role of the vocational education of rural women in rural development and countermeasures农村妇女职业教育对农村发展的影响及对策


Rural women农村妇女

1.Analysis on needs of NaFeEDTA fortified soy sauce and influencing factors among rural women in Guizhou;贵州农村妇女铁强化酱油需求及影响因素分析

2.Empirical analysis of the factors affecting rural women′s behavior of sci-tech adoption in South Fujian;闽南农村妇女科技采纳行为影响因素的实证分析

3.A consideration of developing the rural women intermediary organizations;培育和发展农村妇女中介组织的思考

3)rural woman农村妇女

1.Research on the Rural Woman s Microfinance in Fujian Province;福建省农村妇女小额信贷研究

2.HIV/AIDS prevention and control among therural woman in the perspective of scientific concept of development科学发展观视野下的农村妇女艾滋病防治

3.The paper discusses the importance ofrural woman s participation in natural resource management , and introduces the measures adopted in the project of Community based Natural Resource Management in Mountainous Areas of Guizhou Province, which aimed to strength woman s capacity so as to promote their participation.讨论了农村妇女参与社区自然资源管理的意义及重要性 ,并着重介绍了“贵州山区社区自然资源管理”项目在增强农村妇女能力 ,促进她们参与社区自然资源管理所做的尝试及其效

4)Countryside women农村妇女

1.In the early period of our new China,various countryside women held high political enthusiasm,and they actively took part in the management of national and social affairs by lots of means.建国初期,广大农村妇女政治热情空前高涨,通过各种途径与男子同堂议政,积极参与国家和社会各项事务的管理。

2.Because of the influence of patriarchy, lower level educated and too heavy burden, countryside women s development has been restricted.传统父权制思想的影响,受教育程度低、劳动负担过重等因素,使农村妇女的发展受到了很大的制约。

3.On the basis of the questionnaire survey and interviews on individuals, this study focuses on the analysis of the influence of the educational level of the countryside women on the exploitation of countryside women s human resources ,by employing human capital theories and sociological theories concerned, it includes six parts.本研究在对问卷调查结果进行统计分析基础上,结合个案访谈资料,运用人力资本理论和社会学的有关理论,集中探讨了农村妇女受教育水平对农村女性人力资源开发的影响。

5)Village Women农村妇女

1.Study on the Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors of Supplementary Food addition to Babies and relative Channels inVillage Women;农村妇女婴幼儿辅食添加知识、态度、行为及其相关传播渠道研究

2.To achieve village women right of development,it is a must to give them political right,land ownership and right of education.农村妇女长期处于农村政治资源分配的边缘,土地权益受到村规民约、风俗习惯、宗法制度等民间法的排斥,受教育程度要比男性低。

3.Village women’s present condition of the land rights guarantee is not optimistic in our province,and village women land rights guarantee problem is to be highly valued.安徽省农村妇女土地权益保障现状不容乐观,农村妇女土地权益保障问题我们要高度重视。


1.Influence of the Health Education onthe PregnancyCountrywomen s Health Actions;健康教育对农村妇女孕期保健行为的影响

2.Study on the Cultural and Traditional Factors in the Obstacles ofCountrywomen s Involving in Politics;中国农村妇女参政障碍中的文化和传统因素研究

3.Study on the actuality of countrywomen"s rights and legal protection in divorce cases论离婚案件中农村妇女权益现状及法律保护


农村农村village农村(villa罗)以从事农业生产为主的农业人口居住的地区,是同城市相对应的区域,具有特定的自然景观和社会经济条件,也叫乡村。农村是生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,在生产力高度发达的未来社会中,城市与农村的本质差别将消失。在不同的国家、不同时期、不同地区,所规定的农村统计口径有所不同。例如美国,1950年以前规定,凡是人口在2 500人以下的、没有组织成自治单位的居住地就算农村;1950年以后规定,不论其是否组织成自治单位,凡人口在2 500人以下或人口在每平方英里1 50。人以下的地区及城市郊区都算作农村。欧洲各国一般以居住地在2 000人以下者为农村。在中国没有直接规定“农村”这一统计指标的口径,仅规定了“市镇总人口”和“乡村总人口”这两个人口统计指标。据《中国统计年鉴》(1987)解释,“市镇总人口”指市、镇辖区内的全部人口;“乡村总人口”指县(不含镇)内全部人口。其中,“市”是指经国家规定成立“市”建制的城市;“镇”是指经省、自治区、直辖市批准的镇。1984年规定,凡县级地方国家机关所在地,或总人口在2万人以下的乡、乡政府驻地非农业人口超过2 000人的,或总人口在2万人以上的乡,乡政府驻地非农业人口占全乡人口10%以上的,均可建镇。在原始社会初期,人类依靠采集、渔猎为生,逐水草、居巢穴,无所谓村落。到了原始社会的中期,约在新石器时代,人类掌握了农业生产技术,有了耕种土地、照管作物、饲养畜禽等生产活动,人类开始定居下来。同时,为防御外族侵扰和野兽的侵害等,要求一个氏族聚居在一起,从而出现了最早的村落原始村落是以血缘关系形成的氏族部落的聚居之地,实行原始公有制,按自然分工进行生产活动,平均分配。至原始社会末期,交换有了一定的发展,在一些交通方便、位置适中的村落中,出现了集市。在奴隶社会的农村中,由于生产力的发展,手工业、商业相继从农业中独立出来。在一些大的村落中,手工业者集中,商业集中,形成永久性市场。这些地方,逐步演变成一个地区的政治、经济、文化中心。为了保护财产的安全、政权的巩固,则修筑城堡等,逐渐出现了城市。大商人、大奴隶主、官吏聚居在城市,奴隶、个体小农、少数小奴隶主则居住在农村。奴隶社会的农村社会经济关系,本质上是奴隶主剥削、压迫奴隶的关系。在封建社会的农村中,主要居住着农民(雇农、佃农、自耕农)或农奴、中小地主等。土地等生产资料绝大部分为封建地主阶级(或封建农奴主阶级)所有,少部分归农民所有。封建社会农村社会经济关系本质上是封建地主阶级统治、压迫、剥削农民的关系。
