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酸量 acid amount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 18:17:55


酸量 acid amount英语短句 例句大全

酸量,acid amount

1)acid amount酸量

1.The reaction results indicated that theacid amount corresponding to +0.3范围内的酸量会影响反应收率,酸量越多,收率越高,得到的聚合产物有合适的数均相对分子质量(700~3000)和较窄的相对分子质量分布(Mw/Mn<2。

2.As n decreases,theacid amount increases for HPA W·nH 2O with acid stronger than -5 6,but it is almost fixed for HPA W·nH 2O with acid strength less than +3 3.6的酸量分布产生影响,对酸强度低于+3。


1.Effect of acetate concentration on production of acetic acid by acetic acid bacteria底酸(乙酸)浓度对醋酸菌产酸量的影响

2.The fitting dosage of the SA is 0.5% of the WPA.硫酸加量为清磷酸质量的0.5%。

3.Determination of Potassium Borofluoride Content with Potassium Tetraphenylborate Gravimetric Method四苯硼酸钾重量法测定氟硼酸钾含量

4.Content of Humic Acid in Compound Fertilizer of Humic Acid measured by Volumetric Method容量法测定腐植酸复肥中腐植酸含量

5.Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted.大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。

6.To remove the acid from or reduce the acid content of.使去酸,使脱酸把酸移走或降低酸的含量

7.An inorganic acid, such as perchloric acid, containing the largest proportion of oxygen in a series of related acids.一种无机酸,如各种相关酸中含氧量最大的酸

8.Determination of Lactic Acid Dynamic State Excreted from Lactobacillus and Dosage of Endurance in Mouse乳酸菌产酸动态测定及小鼠乳酸耐量初探

9.Content Determination of Benzoic Acid and Salicylic Acid in Compound Benzoic Acid Tincture复方苯甲酸酊中水杨酸和苯甲酸含量的测定

10.Boric acid for industrial use-Determination of boric acid contentGB/T12684.1-1990工业硼酸硼酸含量的测定

11.An excess of phosphates in the urine.高磷酸盐尿尿中磷酸盐过量

12.A Study of Nitrite Content in the Chinese Cabbage in the Course of Being Pickled酸菜腌制过程中亚硝酸盐含量的研究

13.Quantitative analysis of industrial ethyl glycinate hydrochloride;工业品甘氨酸乙酯盐酸盐的含量分析

14.Simultaneous determination of ten fatty acids in semen ziziphi spinosae(Suanzaoren) by GC-MS酸枣仁中脂肪酸含量的GC-MS测定

15.Determining the content of carbonate in fluorite by neutralization titration method酸碱中和滴定法测定萤石中碳酸盐量

16.Simultaneous RP-HPLC Determination of Lactic Acid and Methyl Lactate反相HPLC同时检测乳酸及乳酸甲酯含量

17.Determination of the Contents of Mono-ester & Di-ester in the Acidic Polyoxyethylene Aliphatic Alcohol Phosphate酸性醇醚磷酸酯中单、双酯含量的测定

18.Contents of fatty acid and amino acid in the muscles of several varieties of pigs不同品种猪肌肉脂肪酸和氨基酸含量


amounts of acid sites酸量

1.The results indicated that the incorporated Si acted on the γ-Al_2O_3 to form new bond of Al-O-Si and that the totalamounts of acid sites and the acid strength on the surface of γ-Al_2O_3 increased with the amount of introduced Si.结果显示:引入的硅和γ-Al2O3发生键合形成了新的Al-O-Si键;随着硅的含量增加,γ-Al2O3表面的总酸量及酸强度也增大。

2.Results showed that the totalamounts of acid sites, the acid strength and the proportion of L acid sites increased with increasing the content of Al\-2O\-3.结果表明:随着Al2O3含量增加,Al2O3-TiO2二元氧化物的总酸量、酸强度和L酸比例都增加;随着焙浇温度的增大,总酸量下降,L酸比例和酸强度较大的酸量、百分数则增

3)acid number酸量

1.Theacid number of organophosphonoheteropolytungstic acids" were measured.报道合成了牛磺酸的乙基膦酸衍生物TEPA和TDEPA及相应的Keggin型有机膦 钨杂多酸,对这些新化合物用IR,UV,TG DSC和XRD等进行了结构表征,测定了它们的酸量,并对它们的酸量和结构进行了讨论。

4)acid quantity酸量

1.By using Hammett indicators with different PK a values, the distribution curves of the acid strength as the function ofacid quantity were determined and the behaviour of the indicator was discussed.选用PKa值不同的几种指示剂,测出不同酸强度下各种固体催化剂的酸量,作出了酸强度分布曲线,得到了累积酸量大小的规律

2.By usingHammett indicators with different PKa values, the distribution curves of the acid strength as the function ofacid quantity were determined and the behaviour of the indicator is discussed.2范围的环已烷溶液中观察吸附的哈迈特指示剂的颜色变化,选用PKa值不同的几种指示剂,测出不同酸强度下的酸量而作出酸强度分布曲线,探讨了其规律性。

5)concentration of nitric acid硝酸含量

1.It largely depends on theconcentration of nitric acid of inlet liquids.其回收效果受进料液中硝酸含量影响较大。

6)Pickling quality酸洗质量


