100字范文 > 绞车转速 Hoisting rotate speed英语短句 例句大全

绞车转速 Hoisting rotate speed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-10 00:41:10


绞车转速 Hoisting rotate speed英语短句 例句大全

绞车转速,Hoisting rotate speed

1)Hoisting rotate speed绞车转速

2)double soon winch双速绞车

1.Sumarize the speed of thedouble soon winch and the phenomenon of double soon tinch taking off file.概述双速绞车的两档速度、双速绞车的脱档现象,分析了双速绞车脱档的原理,通过变速箱齿轮产生振动机理的研究,指出了解决双速绞车脱档的办法。


1.Base on the present winch that haulage force is not heavy enough,speed of take back the wire rope is slow,rope is not long enough,efficiency is slow,introduces transmission system design of athree-speed-winch which has heavy haulage force,and analyze its relative merits.针对现有绞车存在的牵引力小、回绳慢、容绳量小、效率低等问题,提出了一种具有大牵引力的三速绞车的传动系统的设计,并对其优缺点进行了分析。

4)slow-motion winch慢速绞车

1.The coal cutter and partial holders withdrawn from 3301 working face should be hoisted byslow-motion winch of auxiliary shaft onto ground.3301工作面回收的采煤机和部分支架要由副井慢速绞车提升上井。


1.Discussion on the Safety Check and Concrete Implementation of Hoisting of Coal Cutter and Holder with Slow-Motion Winch慢速绞车提升采煤机和支架的安全校验及具体实施

2.You"d better change the car down.你最好把车速放慢。

3.You must change down now.你现在必须放慢车速。

4.I must change down now.我现在必须放慢车速了。

5.The driver slowed down the car.司机放慢了汽车的速度。

6.The slow wagons of that time,那时的运货车速度很慢,

7.The train clacked off as it came into the station.火车进站时放慢了速度。

8.Slow up while the car is over the bridge.汽车过桥时要放慢速度。

9.(of a vehicle or an engine)slowly increase speed(指汽车或发动机)慢慢加速.

10.The train has to get up steam again after a stop.火车停了以后, 启动时又得慢慢加速。

11.Application of Numbered Governor Electric Control in Main Hoisting全数字串级调速电控在主提升绞车中的应用

12.The driver slowed the car before coming to a full stop.To司机在车完全停下来之前先减慢车速。

13.Cars swiftly slowed and pulled off the fast lane.汽车减慢了和快速地拉扯了快车道。

14.Passengers in the car ask why I"m slowing down.车上乘客问我为什么放慢车速。

15.The car slowed as it approached the corner.汽车接近拐角处放慢了车速。

16.The train, now detached from the engine, remained a little behind, whilst the locomotive rushed forward with increased speed.列车脱离了车头慢慢地落后了,而机车却更增加了飞驰的速度。

17.Rescue boat winchGB11626-1989救助艇绞车

18.Shaft sinking winchGB/T15112-1994凿井绞车


double soon winch双速绞车

1.Sumarize the speed of thedouble soon winch and the phenomenon of double soon tinch taking off file.概述双速绞车的两档速度、双速绞车的脱档现象,分析了双速绞车脱档的原理,通过变速箱齿轮产生振动机理的研究,指出了解决双速绞车脱档的办法。


1.Base on the present winch that haulage force is not heavy enough,speed of take back the wire rope is slow,rope is not long enough,efficiency is slow,introduces transmission system design of athree-speed-winch which has heavy haulage force,and analyze its relative merits.针对现有绞车存在的牵引力小、回绳慢、容绳量小、效率低等问题,提出了一种具有大牵引力的三速绞车的传动系统的设计,并对其优缺点进行了分析。

4)slow-motion winch慢速绞车

1.The coal cutter and partial holders withdrawn from 3301 working face should be hoisted byslow-motion winch of auxiliary shaft onto ground.3301工作面回收的采煤机和部分支架要由副井慢速绞车提升上井。

5)swing winch旋转绞车

6)winch shift lever绞车变速杆


双氢速甾醇 ,双氢速变固醇药物名称:双氢速变固醇英文名:Dihydrotachysterol别名: 双氢速甾醇 ,双氢速变固醇适应症: 用于治疗血钙过低。其作用缓慢而持久,口服7~10日后始能充分生效,故适于急性甲状旁腺功能不足症状消退后使用。 用量用法: 口服:0.8~2.4mg/次,1次/日,维持量为0.25~1.75mg/次,每日或数日1次。危急患者可自每日8mg开始,每2日减少1/2量,1周后用维持量,每次0.25~1.75mg,每周1次。 注意事项: 过量可引起多尿、口渴、头晕、耳鸣、恶心、腹痛等,肾功能不全患者慎用。急性血钙不足时,应先注射钙剂及甲状腺浸膏,以求速效。 规格: 片剂:0.2mg;胶囊剂:0.1mg、0.25mg、1mg;油溶液:1mg/1ml。 类别:甲状腺用药||维生素AD属
