100字范文 > 图书情报工作 library and information service英语短句 例句大全

图书情报工作 library and information service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-14 08:37:14


图书情报工作 library and information service英语短句 例句大全

图书情报工作,library and information service

1)library and information service图书情报工作

1.Statistical Analysis on Papers,Authors and Citation in Library and Information Service in ;《图书情报工作》载文、作者及引文统计分析

2.Investigation on the Ideas of Running Periodical for Library and Information Service;《图书情报工作》办刊理念探讨

3.The application of laser technology for the modernization oflibrary and information service;激光技术与图书情报工作的现代化


1.On the Influence of the Law of Copyright on Library and Information Work;《著作权法》对图书情报工作的影响

2.National Committee on Library and InformationService of University全国高等学校图书情报工作委员会

3.A Discussion of Roles of Library and DocumentationWork in Teaching and Research;试论图书情报工作在教学科研中的作用

4.The Development of Our Country s Intelligence Book Work Under the Information Network Technology;信息网络技术下我国图书情报工作的发展

5.The Library and Information Work of Public Security Colleges and Unirersities MustChange Direction into Modernization;公安院校图书情报工作必须向现代化转轨

6.Conversion of Librarians and Information Workers’ roles网络信息时代图书情报工作者角色的转换

7.Statistical Analysis of Fund-sponsored Theses on Library and Information Service during the period of 2002~《图书情报工作》2002~基金论文统计分析

8.A Quantitative Analysis of the Articles in Library and In Formation Service Cited by CSSCI;《图书情报工作》载文被CSSCI来源期刊引用情况的定量分析

9.Revision of China Copyright Law and Its Influence on the Library and Information Service;我国著作权法的修改及其对图书情报工作的影响

10.Roles of Library and Documentation Work in Teaching and Research with the Development and Utilization of Foreign Documentation图书情报工作在教学科研中的作用及外文资料的开发与利用

11.Study on Application and Evaluation of CD-ROM Database Network in Library and Information Service光盘数据库网络在图书情报工作的应用与评价研究

12.Integration and Alternation:Analysis of Influence of Contemporary New Technology on Library Work;整合与交互:现代新技术对图书情报工作的影响分析

13.Legislative Practice of the Digtal Millennium Copyright Act and ItsInfluence on the Library and Information Service;《数字千年版权法》立法实践及其对图书情报工作的影响

14.Improve College Libraries Management for Market s Needing;高校图书情报管理工作的市场化策略

15.On Position and Function of Information Work in Construction of Library in Higher College;论情报工作在高校图书馆建设中的地位和作用

16.On Function of Science and Technology Information Service in Collegiate Libraries;谈高校图书馆科技情报服务工作的作用

17.On Significance of Book Information from the Teaching and Research Works in Institute of Higher-learning;从高校教学科研工作看图书情报的重要性

18.library information intelligence network establishment;图书信息情报工作的网络化建设若干问题初探


Library information work图书情报工作

1.This paper expounds the new functions of the library information work under the condition of the new technological revolution,and puts forward some measures for opening the new situation of the library information work.阐述了新技术革命条件下图书情报工作的新作用,提出了开拓图书情报工作新局面的措施。

3)library and information work图书情报工作

1.The paper analyses the important position oflibrary and information work in knowledge economy era,discusses the great change brought by network information resource tolibrary and information work,and sets forth the concrete measures to develop library and information industry under new situation.本文分析了图书情报工作在知识经济时代的重大地位 ,论述了网络信息资源给图书情报工作带来的重大变革 ,并详细阐述了在新形势下发展图书情报业的具体措

2.This article expounds on the restraint and advancement of the Law of Copyright on thelibrary and information work and on the proper employment of the law for the legitimate use of documents in adherence to the Law of Copyright.论述了著作权法对图书情报工作的约束和促进作用 ,以及在遵守著作权法的前提下 ,对著作权法规定的合理使用文献的充分利

3.This paper expounds the functions and development directions of thelibrary and information work in the information times, and puts forward some countermeasures for developing thelibrary and information work in the information times.阐述了信息时代图书情报的作用和发展方向,提出了信息时代开展图书情报工作的对策。

4)Library and Information Service《图书情报工作》

1.The identification and evaluation of kernel authors ofLibrary and Information Service with comprehensive index method;运用综合指数法测评《图书情报工作》(1994-)的核心著者

2.Statistical Analysis on Foreign Language Quotation inLibrary and Information Service(2000~);2000年~《图书情报工作》外文引文分析

5)librarians and information workers图书情报工作者

1.Based on the requirement of the library enterprise development in the network information times, how dolibrarians and information workers improve the diathesis to face to the challenges in the new times is discussed.文章以网络信息时代,图书馆事业发展的需求,谈论图书情报工作者将如何提高自身素质,紧跟时代发展步伐迎接新时期的挑战,对角色的如何转换等问题提出若干可操作性的对策和途径。

6)Library and information science newsletter图书情报工作通讯


