100字范文 > 燕山大学图书馆 The Library of Yanshan University英语短句 例句大全

燕山大学图书馆 The Library of Yanshan University英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-20 17:11:40


燕山大学图书馆 The Library of Yanshan University英语短句 例句大全

燕山大学图书馆,The Library of Yanshan University

1)The Library of Yanshan University燕山大学图书馆

1.Based on the existing structural features of literature resources and specific user groups, taking principal subjects as orientation, deeply mining resources and collecting integrated network resources,The Library of Yanshan University builds a number of di.燕山大学图书馆在现有文献资源结构特征和特定用户群信息需求的基础上,以重点学科为导向,深入挖掘馆内资源、搜集整合网络资源,建成了多个具有特色的数据库供读者使用。


1.Human Resources Management of Library--a Case Analysis of the Library in Yanshan University浅议图书馆人力资源管理的方法——燕山大学图书馆个案分析

2.Classical Chinese literature: an anthology of translations edited by John Minford and Joseph S. M. Lau.这是一本研究中国古典文学的书,收藏在美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆.

3.a public, reference, university, etc library公共图书馆、 图书参考室、 大学图书馆的藏书

4.Sculpting Library: A Visit to Hong Kong Baptist University Library塑造图书馆——访香港浸会大学图书馆

5.Construction Measures and Steps on SUFE Library Automatization山西财经大学图书馆自动化建设的设计与实施

6.On fire-extinguisher system design in campus library in Laoshan branch on Chinese Marine University中国海洋大学崂山校区校图书馆消防系统设计

parative Analysis of Two Sun Yat-Sen University Libraries Between Chinese Mainland and Taiwan海峡两岸两所中山大学图书馆的比较分析

8.On the Problems Existing in the Books Circulation Service During the New Period;山西农业大学图书馆图书流通服务存在的问题及对策

9.Dialect,Religion Culture and Local Society in the Late Qing Dynasty:Taking the "Foochow Dialect" Documents in Harvard-Yenching Library as a Central Study方言、宗教文化与晚清地方社会——以美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆所藏“榕腔”文献为中心

10.Columbia University Libraries哥伦比亚大学图书馆

11.Arab University Library Associatio阿拉伯大学图书馆协会

12.Bodleian Library of Oxford University牛津大学博德利图书馆

13.University of Tokyo Libraries东京大学附属图书馆

14.Library of Beijing Normal University北京师范大学图书馆

15.Library of East China Normal University华东师范大学图书馆

16.On the Construction of Featured Collection in University Libraries--Taking of Shanxi Agricultural University as an Example论高校图书馆特色馆藏建设——以山西农业大学为例

17.Research on the Management Model of Classifying and Cataloguing of CD Attached with Books in the Libraries of Agricultural Universities--Taking the Library of Shandong Agricultural University as the example浅谈高等农业院校图书馆随书附盘文献的分编管理模式——以山东农业大学图书馆为例

18.Undergraduate Practice of Library Science Oriented to Improve Professional Competitive Power--Taking the Undergraduate Practice of Library Science in Sun Yat-sen University as an Example;以提高职业竞争力为导向的图书馆学本科实习——以中山大学图书馆学本科实习为例


Sun Yat-Sen University Library中山大学图书馆

1.Sun Yat-sen University Library received the mementos of the first President of Sun Yat-sen University, Mr.中山大学图书馆获邹鲁后人捐赠邹夫人赵淑嘉女士珍藏的邹鲁故物,其中包括了300多份信札、书画作品、剪报、唁函、唁电、挽词、遗产表、地契等未曾刊行的珍贵史料。

3)Shanxi Normal University山西师范大学图书馆

1.Discussion on the Developing History of the Bar Code in the Library ofShanxi Normal University;山西师范大学图书馆条形码的发展历程

4)University library大学图书馆

1.The Functional Innovation of University Library under the Digital Environment;关于数字环境下大学图书馆职能扩展与创新的初步分析

2.Application of WLAN in University Library Network;WLAN在大学图书馆网络中的应用

3.Discussion and Practice on the Principles of University Library Website Design——A Case Study of the Tsinghua University Library Website Redesign;大学图书馆网站设计理念的探析与实践——清华大学图书馆网站改版案例研究

5)college library大学图书馆

1.Talking about the quantitative management of cataloging at acollege library;浅议大学图书馆编目量化管理工作

2.A tentative play forcollege library to be a teaching practical base under network circumstances;大学图书馆成为网络环境下教学实践基地的设想

3.On the Organization System of the Digital Resources in a College Library;大学图书馆数字资源组织体系探索

6)university libraries大学图书馆

1.On Raising the Utilization Ratio of Electronic Resources in University Libraries;提高大学图书馆电子资源利用率研究

2.Inspirations from Information Services in European University Libraries;欧洲大学图书馆的文献信息服务

3.On the Management Models of University Libraries in England;英国大学图书馆管理模式探析


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