100字范文 > 建筑效果图 architecture pictorial drawing英语短句 例句大全

建筑效果图 architecture pictorial drawing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-29 05:47:43


建筑效果图 architecture pictorial drawing英语短句 例句大全

建筑效果图,architecture pictorial drawing

1)architecture pictorial drawing建筑效果图

1.Elementary knowledge to create computerarchitecture pictorial drawing;浅谈电脑建筑效果图制作的基本知识


1.Measures for Increasing the processing Efficiency of Architectural Effect Figures Made by Computers提高电脑建筑效果图制作效率的措施

2.Angle of Ideal Light Ray and Sense of Beauty in Architectural Effect Drawing理想光线角度对建筑效果图美感的影响

3.Classification on Modeling Effect Diagrams with 3DS MAX3DS MAX制作建筑装饰效果图建模分类与运用

4.Drawing Effect Picture,Basic Skill of Architects绘制效果图是建筑设计人员必须具备的基本功

5.Measures to Improve the Teaching Effect of Built Environment;提高建筑环境学课程教学效果的措施

6.Optimize the Teaching of the Budgetary of Civil Engineering;提高建筑工程概预算教学效果的探讨

7.Target Cost Management for Construction Project and its Application Effectiveness建筑工程目标成本的管理及应用效果

8.Talking about the problem of legend aboutarchitectural drawing in the construction drawing;谈谈建筑制图中建筑施工图图例问题

9.Select a Building field if your database contains records for multiple buildings, and your drawing contains a single building.如果数据库中包含多个建筑物的记录,而绘图中只包含一个建筑物,则选择“建筑物”字段。

10.Discussion about outdoor air temperature rise of different building blocks under the effect of solar radiation太阳辐射对不同建筑群产生温升效果的探讨

11.The Computer Simulation of Energy Storing Effect of Phase Change Materials in Energy Saving Buildings;建筑节能相变材料蓄能效果的计算机模拟

12.Architectural Design and Acoustics of Seven Performing Arts Buildings;七个演艺建筑工程的声学设计与音质效果

13.The Probability-Based Analysis of TMD Wind-Induced Vibration Control on High-Rise Building基于概率的高层建筑TMD风振控制效果分析

14.The Strengthening Protection of Bricks and the Effect Test during the Repair of Historic Buildings历史建筑维修的砖石增强保护及效果检测

15.Analysis of Energy-saving Transformation Measures and Effect of Large-scale Public Buildings大型公共建筑节能改造措施和效果分析

16.Analysis of Technical and Economic Effects for Energy Efficiency Reconstruction of Existing Office Buildings既有办公建筑节能改造技术经济效果分析研究

17.Analysis on the Ventilation Pattern and Ventilation Effect of the Traditional Architecture in Ancient City of LangZhong阆中古城传统建筑通风模式及通风效果分析

18.Orbital Bombardment ability"s later effects no longer have100% penetration against Building High.轨道轰炸技能的后效对于高级甲建筑物不再有100%透效果。


manual building effect picture手绘建筑效果图

1.The irreplaceability ofmanual building effect picture;手绘建筑效果图的不可替代性

3)computer-drawing effect picture机绘建筑效果图

4)architectural effect建筑效果

5)Economic effect of architecture建筑经济效果

6)Energy Efficiency建筑能效

1.Determination of evaluating indicator and its weighting index of residential building energy efficiency居住建筑能效评价指标及权重的确定


服装效果图服装效果图(effect drawing)指表现人体在特定时间、特殊场所穿着服装效果的图。企业老板应学会阅读服装效果图。服装效果图通常包括人体着装图、设计构思说明、采用面料及简单的财务分析。制作效果图要注意表达出想要表现的效果。服装效果图要注意:①褶皱、②光照度、③比例、④颜色的和谐
