100字范文 > 数字图书系统 digital library system英语短句 例句大全

数字图书系统 digital library system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-21 00:53:14


数字图书系统 digital library system英语短句 例句大全

数字图书系统,digital library system

1)digital library system数字图书系统

1.In this paper we propose a new XML-baseddigital library system that sup.这些技术的日渐成熟推动了数字图书系统的发展,也使得图书信息的修订愈加容易,版本更新更加频繁。

2)digital library system数字图书馆系统

1.Interoperability indigital library system has drawn much attention of researchers in library science all over the world in recent years.数字图书馆系统中存在的互操作问题是近年来国际数字图书馆界关注的焦点问题。


1.A Comparison Research about Open Source Software of Digital Library System数字图书馆系统开源软件的比较分析

2.A Study of the System Design of Digital Library Based on Grid基于网格的数字图书馆系统设计研究

3.Modeling of the Digital Library System Based on Petri Net基于Petri网的数字图书馆系统建模

4.On the University Digital Library System under IPv6 EnvironmentIPv6环境下的高校数字图书馆系统

5.Application of XML Web Services in Digital Library SystemXML Web Services在数字图书馆系统中的应用

6.Superficial Analysis on the Relations between Digital Library and Traditional Library;浅析数字图书馆与传统图书馆的关系

7.Brief Talk on Relationship between Traditional and Digital Libraries;浅谈传统图书馆与数字图书馆的关系

8.The Relations Between Traditional Libraries and Figure Libraries As Well As Their Development传统图书馆与数字图书馆的关系及发展

9.Assessment of the system ILASIII based on the digital library system基于数字图书馆体系的ILAS系统评估

10.The General Comment of Personalized Service of Universities Library;高校数字图书馆个性化服务系统研究

11.On Construction of the Saving System of Digital Library with SAN;利用SAN技术构建数字图书馆存储系统

12.Design and Implementation of Digital Library Portal Information System数字图书馆门户信息系统设计与实现

13.Research on the Network System Security in the Digital Library of University高校数字图书馆的网络系统安全研究

14.Based on". Net "Digital Library Management System基于.net的数字图书馆管理系统

15.The Research of ILAS Ⅲ,the Digital Library Application System数字图书馆应用系统ILASⅢ研究

16.A Dissertation on the Effect of the Digital Librarty on the Traditional Library;论数字化图书馆对传统图书馆的影响

17.Analysis on the Influence of Digital Library on Traditional Library浅析数字图书馆对传统图书馆的影响

18.Explanation of the Relationship between Librarians and Readers in Digital Library;数字图书馆图书馆员与读者关系解读


digital library system数字图书馆系统

1.Interoperability indigital library system has drawn much attention of researchers in library science all over the world in recent years.数字图书馆系统中存在的互操作问题是近年来国际数字图书馆界关注的焦点问题。

3)DELOS Digital library management systemDELOS数字图书馆管理系统

4)certificate authority(CA) system数字证书系统

1.A design and implementation scheme was devised for a certificate authority(CA) system in network computer environments based on a server-end privatekey storage mechanism to solve the conflict between private-key storage demands of the end-entity and the nonstorage character of network computer systems.为了解决在网络计算机系统中部署数字证书系统时存在的终端实体对私钥数据的存储需求和网络计算机无本地存储特性的矛盾,提出一种基于服务端密钥存储的网络计算机数字证书应用系统的设计与实现方案。

5)digital book数字图书

1.By giving the example of"Chaoxing"digital books,this paper analyzes the basic structure,functions and operation technique of electronic books.本文以超星数字图书为例,探析电子图书的基本构造、功能及操作技巧,以期能抛砖引玉,使更多用户了解、使用电子图书,并将其用得更好,充分开发网络电子图书这一现代资源优势。

2.Introduces some protection technologies ofdigital book,analyzes their insufficiency,and expounds two new off-linedigital book encrypt protection modes.介绍了目前已有的一些数字图书保护技术,分析了它们的不足之处,提出了两种离线型新型数字图书安全保护方法。

3.As a kind of new electronic media,digital book play a big role in our daily work and life.数字图书作为一种新型的电子媒体在我们的日常学习和生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,从近几年的发展来看,其应用是比较成功的,不少公司均推出了各自的数字图书产品面向市场,服务于读者。

6)digital books数字图书

1.This article analyzed the present situation and characteristic of thedigital books,then the universitys special condition.通过对数字图书现状的分析,结合数字图书的特点和高校的具体情况,对数字图书在高校中的服务模式进行了大胆探索,提出了新型服务模式的构想。


