100字范文 > 高校图书馆 university library英语短句 例句大全

高校图书馆 university library英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-02 03:10:37


高校图书馆 university library英语短句 例句大全

高校图书馆,university library

1)university library高校图书馆

1.University Library to read the feasibility of therapy;高校图书馆开展阅读疗法的可行性

2.Brief analysisuniversity library to university student health education function and status;浅析高校图书馆对大学生健康教育的作用和地位

3.On characteristics,application and development trend of knowledge management inuniversity library;高校图书馆知识管理的特点、应用与发展趋势


1.On Digital Library and its Influence to College Library;数字图书馆及其对高校图书馆的影响

2.The Impact of Ubiquitous Library on the Construction of University Library泛在图书馆对高校图书馆建设的影响

3.Simple Discussion about the Construction of University Libraries and Their Branches浅谈高校图书馆与学院图书分馆建设

4.Investigation and Study on Application of Library 2.0 in Chinese University Libraries:Library 2.0 in Librarians" Opinion图书馆2.0在高校图书馆的应用调研——图书馆员眼中的图书馆2.0

5.The Reflection on the University Library Evaluation and the Development of University Library in Guizhou;高校图书馆评估与贵州高校图书馆发展的思考

6.Study on Collection Evaluation of University Library during the Hybrid Library Period;复合图书馆时期的高校图书馆馆藏评价研究

7.Talking about the Collection Layout of New Library Construction of University Library浅谈高校图书馆新馆建设的馆藏布局

8.On the Management of Circulating Books in College Libraries;浅议加强高校图书馆流通图书的管理

9.A Case Study on Book-purchasing in Chinese University Libraries;高校图书馆中文图书采购新模式探索

10.Quality Control of Purchasing Books by Public Bidding in University Library;高校图书馆图书招标采购的质量控制

11.On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Marks on Borrowed Books in University Libraries;高校图书馆外借图书批注圈点利弊谈

12.Books Damage,Loss and Precaution in University Libraries;高校图书馆图书损毁、丢失现状和防范

13.Thinking about the Utilization Situation of Foreign Books inCollege Libraries;高校图书馆外文图书利用现状的思考

14.Classification Indexing Consistency of University Libraries;谈高校图书馆图书分类标引的一致性

15.My Views on Improving the Work of Library Books Purchase at College;改进高校图书馆图书采购工作之我见

16.The Countermeasure to and Analysis on the Book Missing form the University Library;高校图书馆丢失图书情况分析及对策

17.Analysis on and Countermeasures for the Delay in Returning Books in University Library高校图书馆图书滞还现象分析与对策

18.Considerations about the Books Defacing Phenomenon in University Library关于高校图书馆图书污损现象的思考


college library高校图书馆

1.The research on database construction ofcollege library;关于建设高校图书馆数据库的思考

2.Analyzing reader service s language skill incollege library;浅析高校图书馆读者服务的语言技巧

3.On the Issues of College Library Building Design;高校图书馆建筑设计应处理好的几个关系

3)University libraries高校图书馆

1.On the relationships between university libraries and university students information quality education;高校图书馆与学生信息素质教育

2.The Methods of Information Quality Education of University Libraries in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古地区高校图书馆开展信息素质教育的途径

3.Study on Digital Reference Service in University Libraries;高校图书馆数字参考咨询服务研究

4)academic library高校图书馆

1.A theory research on the collection resource of theacademic library;高校图书馆馆藏资源利用的理论研究

2.the necessity foracademic library to open to social public;高校图书馆向社会开放的必要性

3.A Study of the Reference Services towards Students in Academic Library;面向大学生的高校图书馆参考咨询服务研究

5)College libraries高校图书馆

1.Thinking on human resources of college libraries in the era of developing West China;关于高校图书馆人才资源如何面对西部大开发的思考

2.Analysis of Digital Resources Integration in College Libraries;谈高校图书馆的数字资源整合

3.Constructing harmony in college libraries;构建高校图书馆的和谐关系

6)Academic Libraries高校图书馆

1.Investigation and research on the digital reference service of academic libraries in Jilin Province吉林省高校图书馆数字参考咨询服务调查与思考

2.Importance of Training And Improving The College Students" Information Literacy Education In TheAcademic Libraries高校图书馆培养和提高大学生信息素养教育势在必行

3.Discussion on the Fire Control Work ofAcademic Libraries浅谈高校图书馆消防工作


残疾人图书馆专门为盲人、聋哑人、伤残人、病人和弱智者提供服务的图书馆。主要包括盲人图书馆、残疾人学校 (如聋哑学校) 图书馆、残疾人福利企业的图书馆、医院病员图书馆(室)、弱智者玩具图书馆等。广义的残疾人图书馆还包括一些大型公共图书馆专门开设的残疾人阅览室(或音像室)、残疾人分馆或残疾人服务部等。残疾人图书馆在馆藏文献类型、设施和服务等方面具有很大的特殊性。如盲人图书馆不仅收藏盲文出版物以供盲人以手摸读,而且还收藏和播放有声资料 (如唱片、录音带等),供盲人学习或欣赏;常配备会朗诵的图书馆员为他们服务;普遍开展流动图书馆服务(如送书上门)等。(见图书馆的残疾人服务)
