100字范文 > 藏文穴位图 Tibetan Acupoint Drawing英语短句 例句大全

藏文穴位图 Tibetan Acupoint Drawing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-29 13:30:44


藏文穴位图 Tibetan Acupoint Drawing英语短句 例句大全

藏文穴位图,Tibetan Acupoint Drawing

1)Tibetan Acupoint Drawing藏文穴位图

2)Acupoints buried穴位埋藏

3)Acupoint implantation therapy穴位埋藏疗法

4)bitmap file位图文件

1.The storage structure of Windowsbitmap file in disk is analyzed in this paper.分析了W indows位图文件在磁盘中的存储结构,研究了VC++MFC编程方式下设备无关位图的打开、保存和二维数组算法接口设计的方法,详细介绍了位图文件算法接口程序设计的关键代码,编写并调试通过了位图算法接口示例程序。

2.The constitution of abitmap file and a number of modes of opening and accessing abitmap file in Visual C++(6.探讨了位图文件组成结构、位图文件打开与存取的几种VisualC++6。

3.Through an actual example of the program, this paper introduces a simple method for displaying thebitmap file, which is short and practicable for needing the codes of only about ten lines.通过一个程序实例,介绍了一种非常简单位图文件显示方法,所需代码只有十余行,短小实用。


1.Graph Printing and Producing of Bitmap File for printing;图形打印及用于打印的位图文件生成

2.Type the file name and location of a bitmap for the Startup screen:请输入起始屏幕的位图文件名和位置:

3.Type the file name and location of a bitmap for the desktop wallpaper.请输入桌面墙纸的位图文件名和位置。

4.The bitmap filename you specified is invalid. Bitmap filenames cannot contain extended characters.指定的位图文件名无效。位图文件名不能包含扩展字符。

5.This is not a valid bitmap file, or there is not enough memory.此文件不是有效的位图文件,或者内存不足。

6.You can use Paint in Accessories to draw pictures and to view bitmap files.可以使用“附件”中的“画图”程序绘制图片和查看位图文件。

7.Type the file name and location of a bitmap for Control Panel.请输入用于控制面板的位图文件名和位置。

8.This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported.无效的位图文件,或者当前尚不支持这种文件格式。

9.You specified an invalid bitmap file. Please type another file name or click Browse.您指定的位图文件无效。请键入其他文件名或单击“浏览”。

10.Type the file name and location of a bitmap for the System Properties in Control Panel:请输入控制面板中系统属性的位图文件名和位置:

11.Texture Mapping the Models in the Technology Simulation of Storage-Hydrogen Alloys using Windows DIB Files用位图文件对储氢合金生产工艺仿真模型进行纹理映射

12.Error, While trying to locate profile on the screen.错误,当在屏幕上试图定位配置文件时。

13.Image location - Enter a remote URL or local file图象位置-输入远程URL或本地文件

14.Way of DIB Derived from DICOM Medical Image File由DICOM医学图像文件获得设备无关位图的方法

15."The specified location is invalid or does not contain the Books Online files."指定的位置无效或不包含联机图书文件。

16.Images are saved to your My Pictures folder unless you specify a different location.除非指定其他位置,否则图像会保存在“图片收藏”文件夹中。

17.Type the file name and location of a bitmap for System Properties in Control Panel:请键入“控制面板”中“系统属性”的位图的文件名和位置:

18.Installs a library containing videos, metafiles, cursors, icons, and bitmaps that you can use in applications and components.安装一个库,它包含可以在应用程序和组件开发中使用的视频、图元文件、光标、图标和位图。


Acupoints buried穴位埋藏

3)Acupoint implantation therapy穴位埋藏疗法

4)bitmap file位图文件

1.The storage structure of Windowsbitmap file in disk is analyzed in this paper.分析了W indows位图文件在磁盘中的存储结构,研究了VC++MFC编程方式下设备无关位图的打开、保存和二维数组算法接口设计的方法,详细介绍了位图文件算法接口程序设计的关键代码,编写并调试通过了位图算法接口示例程序。

2.The constitution of abitmap file and a number of modes of opening and accessing abitmap file in Visual C++(6.探讨了位图文件组成结构、位图文件打开与存取的几种VisualC++6。

3.Through an actual example of the program, this paper introduces a simple method for displaying thebitmap file, which is short and practicable for needing the codes of only about ten lines.通过一个程序实例,介绍了一种非常简单位图文件显示方法,所需代码只有十余行,短小实用。

5)BMP file位图文件

1.This paper introduces the compression pattems ofBMP files of 16 and 256 and gives the C language program of the exchange of this twoBMP files.介绍了16色及256色的位图文件的压缩格式,并给出这两种位图文件格式互相转换的C语言程序,以及压缩格式的位图在WINDOWS中的使

2.According to the request of the system that we are employing, we transform the 24 bitsBMP file with 352×288 pixels which is used to correspond by network interface to the 8 bitsBMP file with 320×240 pixels which is used to show on LCD.首先给出了位图文件的格式结构,然后详细讨论了不同位图文件之间格式转换的实现。

6)character bitmap文字位图

1.The paper introduces the design and implementation of vector fonts from capturingcharacter bitmap,abstracting bitmap contour and creating vector data to building vector fonts,loading and displaying based on the algorithm of contourcharacter bitmap vector.本文以一种轮廓文字位图矢量化的方法为基础,详细介绍了从文字位图数据抓取、位图轮廓提取、矢量化数据生成、到矢量化字库生成、读取及显示的设计与实现方法。


穴位穴位 穴位 腧穴。见该条①。
