100字范文 > 平方图 square英语短句 例句大全

平方图 square英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-06 01:17:03


平方图 square英语短句 例句大全



1.In this paper,we prove that δ(G~2)≤Δ(G)+33,where G~2,δ(G) and Δ(G) denote thesquare,the minimum degree and the maximum degree of G,respectively.证明了δ(G2)≤Δ(G)+17,其中G2、δ(G)和Δ(G)分别记作图G的平方图、最小度和最大度。

2.Thesquare G2 of G is the graph defined on the vertex set V(G) such that two vertices u and v are adjacent in G2 if and only if they are at distance 1 or 2 in G.设G是一个没有4-圈的平面图,G的平方图G2定义在V(G)上,使得2个点u和v在G2中是相邻的当且仅当它们在G中的距离为1或2。

3.Thesquare of a graph G, denoted by G~2, is a graph with the same vertex set such that two vertices are adjacent in G~2 iff their distance is at most 2 in G.图G的平方图 ,记作G2 ,是一个以原图的顶点集为顶点集 ,若原图中两点的距离不大于 2则连以边所成的图 。


1.List Coloring the Square of 2-connected Outerplanar Graph2-连通外部平面图的平方图的列表染色

2.Generalized Average Histogram Based Image Retrieval基于广义平均直方图的图像检索方法

3.The art or process of drawing ground plans.平面画法画平面图的方法或过程

4.A Method for Image Smoothing Based on PDEs;一种基于偏微分方程的图像平滑方法

5.Similarly create another duplicate. Press Ctrl+T. Scale down horizontally. Hide original layer.如上图再复制一个图层,将图像进行水平方向的挤压。隐藏原始图层。

6.a planographic printing process using plates made from a photographic image.使用照片图象制成的图版的平版印刷方法。

7.Specifies the horizontal coordinate for the next drawing method.指定下一个绘图方法程序的水平坐标。

8.The old 35,000-square-metre library building in the city,市内占地35000平方米的老图书馆大楼,

9.A Simple Boolean Representation of 4-Coloring of Planar Graphs平面图的4-着色的简单布尔方程表示

10.Method of Median Filter on Untrue-Color Image Edge Smoothing伪彩色图像边缘平滑的中值滤波方法

11.Principle and Methods for Map Conflation Based on Least Sqaures Adjustment;数字地图合并的平差处理原理与方法

12.Study on Algorithm of Image Smoothing Based on Partial Differential Equation;基于偏微分方程的图像平滑算法研究

13.PDE-based Binary Level Set Image Segmentation Methods;基于PDE的二进制水平集图像分割方法

14.PDE-based Variational Level Set Image Segmentation Methods;基于PDE的变分水平集图像分割方法

15.Level set Based Image Segmentation Method;基于水平集方法的图像分割技术研究

16.An Image Smoothness Method Based on Two-Dimention Reproducing Kernel;基于二维再生核理论的图像平滑方法

17.Some Graph Theorectical Features of the Square Prime Number Module Congruence Relations;素数模平方同余关系的一些图论性质

18.Fast medical image segmentation method based on level set technique基于水平集的医学图像快速分割方法


square graph平方图

1.Hamiltonicity,neighborhood union andsquare graphs of claw-free graphs;哈密尔顿性、邻域并和无爪图的平方图(英文)

2.Thesquare graph G~2 of agraph G is the graph defined on the vertex set V(G) such that two vertices are adjacent in G~2 if and only if the distance between them is at most 2.图G的平方图G2是以V(G)作为它的点集,两个点在G2中相邻当且仅当它们在G中的距离至多为2。

3)square cycle圈平方图

1.The present paper gives a simple proof for the complexity of thesquare cycle cp Its asymp totic behavior is also considered.本文给出了圈平方图支撑树数目公式的一个简捷证明。

4)Square root graph平方根图

5)the square of graphs图的平方

1.The mean distance of composite graphs andthe square of graphs are researched,and some result of special composite graphs is obtained.确定了复合图及一些图的平方的平均距离 ,并给出了一些特殊图的复合结

6)pattern level方向图电平


图的减缩图(或称图子式)图的减缩图(或称图子式)minor of a graph图的减缩图(或称图子式)【.皿以ofa脚户;MHHoPrpa中a」【补注】设G是一个图(graph)(可以有环及多重边).G的一个减缩图(nullor)是从G中接连进行下述运算而得的任何一个图:i)删去一条边;五)收缩一条边;说)去掉一个孤立顶点.NRobe由on与P.D.Se脚aour的图减缩定理(脚Ph nl的。r theon习11)如下所述:已知有限图的无穷序列G,,GZ,…,则存在指标i
