100字范文 > 简单英语情景对话大全 简单简单英文口语对话

简单英语情景对话大全 简单简单英文口语对话

时间:2024-08-07 02:59:03


简单英语情景对话大全 简单简单英文口语对话



A: Does your country export a lot of natural resources?

B: We export some coal to European countries, but our biggest exports is copper, which we export to Europe, north America, and china.

A: Which resources do you have to import?

B: We import a little oil from Venezuela, but we are fairly self-sufficient. We import some iron and a lot of aluminium from neighouring countries.

A: I heard that you country recently discovered deposits of precious stone.

B: Yes, that’s right. So far, only small deposits have been found. Engineers in my country are focusing on drilling for oil. The government is keen to exploit our natural resources to get money to import our country.

A: If your government invests in your country’s infrastructure, it will be money well spent.

B: Yes. We need to put the money into long-term projects rather than wasting it on short-term ones.


A: Is there a lot of oil and coal in your country?

B: There is some, but my country is not amongst the leading producers. The oil and coal deposits are in the north of my country. Your country is a big oil producer, isn’t it?

A: Yes, it is. My country is famous for having that natural resources. We also have a lot of natural gas.

B: We have some too. Do you have a lot of coal?

A; No coal has been discovered in my country, but there may be undiscovered deposits. We don’t have many metal deposits.

B: There are a few in my country. We have deposit of gold, but they are very small.

A: When I traveled around your country, I bought some jewellery made from gold form your country. The jewellery told me that there are few gold mines in your country. The gold was found in mountain steams.

B: That’s right. A few people go panning for gold in rivers.

A: You have many trees in your country. That’s another natural resources.

B: It’s a natural resources that we hardly use. Government policy is to conserve those forests.

A: I see. That’s probably a good idea. Too many forest are being destroyed.

B: Is your country’s environment being damaged by the oil industry?

A: We have some inspections, but it is very hard to avoid pollution when extracting oil. There has been some damage, but it is under control.


A: which sports are popular in your country?

B: most people like football. More boys like football than girls. A few girls play it really well. Some people like playing basketball.

A: do many people like tennis?

B: more and more people like it now. fewer people play table tennis than before. Many people like swimming, because it is fun and keeps you fit.

A: in my country, many people enjoy golf, but it is too expensive for some people. A few people like extreme sports, but I think the vast majority of people are afraid to try them.

B: extreme sports are only for a small minority of people. Several people from my university enjoy them, but most of us just watch. No one I know plays golf.

A: I know loads of people who play it regularly. There are plenty of golf courses around the country. In the past, only a tiny number of people played.

B: a great deal of people follow rugby in my country.

A: there are plenty of rugby fans in my country too.


A: what do we need to get from the supermarket?

B: we need lots of things. I’ll make a list. We need a bag of sugar, a loaf of bread and a crate of beer.

A: a crate of beer? Why do we need that?

B: just joking. I would like to get a few bottles of beer though. We also need a liter of cooking oil.

A: we can buy a three-liter bottle. It works out cheaper per liter. We should buy a packet of butter and a few pints of milk too.

B: I’d like to get a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of tomato ketchup. Do we need any meat?

A; I think we should get half a kilo of minced beef and a few pork chops.

B: ok. Let’s not forget fruit and vegetables. We need a bunch of bananas, a kilo of tomatoes and a bag of potatoes.

A: we should also get a tube of toothpaste and a bar of soap. Let’s get a tub of ice cream too. We can treat ourselves.

B: ok. We should get a few tins of tuna. Anything else?

A; I’d like a few cans of coke. We also need a dozen eggs and half a dozen sausages.

B; let’s get a chunk of cheese too. Is that everything.

A; I think so. I’ve got the shopping list, so let’s go.


A: are you ready to go to the bank?

B: sure, what do you need to do there?

A: there’s problem with my bank statement. There’s a mistake on it. I also need to withdraw some money form the ATM.

B: I have to exchange some money.

A: that’s right. You’re going away next week.

B; I also want to see if my salary has been paid into my bank account. There was a problem last week.

A; I have to pay my credit bill too. If I don’t pay it soon, the credit card company will charge me interest.

B: their interest rates are usually quite high. It’s a good idea to pay off your credit card debts before they attract interest.


A; I heard that janet has got a new job. She’s working for the united investment group. I hear that they pay very well.

B; I heard that too. She must be making a pocket. Well, good for her.

A; now, she’ll be able to save up for that holiday in the united states.

B; yes, she will. At the moment, the exchange rate is very favorable, so she should try to go as soon as possible, while it’s cheaper.

A: you’re right. By the way, did you hear that tom inherited some money recently?

B; really? I thought his parents had died several years ago.

A; they did. He inherited the money form an uncle. I hope he doesn’t lose a lot of it in taxed to the government.

B; dying can be very expensive nowadays! What’s he going to do with it?

A; he said that he would probably invest most of it. He’s got a well-paid job, so he doesn’t need the money to cover day-to day expenses. He just wants some extra money available for when he retires.

B: I had some good financial news yesterday too.

A; really? Have you won a fortune in the lottery?

B: no, but I got a pay rise of 5% and a hours for all the hard work I’ve put in recently. I think it was very nice for my boss to show his appreciation in that way.

A; It certainly was! So, what are you going to do with your windfall?






