100字范文 > 关于小组学习的英语作文 关于小组合作学习和自主学习的英语作文

关于小组学习的英语作文 关于小组合作学习和自主学习的英语作文

时间:2018-10-07 17:48:28


关于小组学习的英语作文 关于小组合作学习和自主学习的英语作文

关于小组学习的英语作文?写作思路:根据为小组主题,以为学习基调来展开描写,紧扣叙述与描写的内容,力求做到不突兀、不生硬,不长篇大论或肆意抒情,有情真意切之感。范文:cooperative learning group have peer role,那么,关于小组学习的英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


This week ,my classmates and I talked about the way to study English,many students studied English by doing a lot of exercises,some students studied English by asking the teacher for help,as for listening to English tapes,only a few students listen to tapes every day,no students studied English by making flashcards.For me ,I memorized English words every day,and sometimes I watched English movies, I thought it helped.




cooperative learning group have peer role, is to make the students from the mistakes of others and method to learn knowledge ideas, form of self conscious reflection ability


cooperative learning group after the report in the competition for cooperation, can also group common understanding achievements into the class of, can stimulate the innovation and expand thought, improve teaching limitation



Working individually or working in a teamThere are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually.In this way , people can decide for themselves when to start and how to do it.What’s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own .People may also choose to work in a team , where they can learn from each other and help each other.Besides , they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along well with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among several people , it can be done efficiently.Teamwork is always important.

小组合作学习英语作文 90词

studying in groups

To study in groups help learn many more things than to study individually. Other people in the group might have different opinions and problem solving methods, which you can learn from. However, you can also teach others on the ones they don know. Studying in groups shortens the time for solving a problem, because everyone in the group helps. Also, this can improve our communication skills when study in groups.


Group learning of benefits

1, developing cooperative learning group for all students, especially for learning difficulties students more class participation opportunity, and enhance the main body participation.

2 and middle school students group to study the activities while does not equal to scientists work, but organization form and explore the process is similar for scientific research, the student to obtain the related experience provides the basis.

3, developing cooperative learning group will be personal independent learning achievements into the group of cognitive achievement of, cultivate the group consciousness and the ability to move.

4, cooperative learning group have peer role, is to make the students from the mistakes of others and method to learn knowledge ideas, form of self conscious reflection ability.

5, cooperative learning group after the report in the competition for cooperation, can also group common understanding achievements into the class of, can stimulate the innovation and expand thought, improve teaching limitation.

6, group learning process there are a self assessment and evaluation of the others process, with incentive and guiding role. Can improve students self-monitoring learning, self-adjustment ability. Since the group to study the benefits so much, why aren more as a teacher for the students to create such an opportunity? In the teaching, I can use, but it is not abuse.

以上就是关于小组学习的英语作文的全部内容,Working individually or working in a teamThere are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually.In this way ,
