100字范文 > 英文简历特长爱好填写要点 英文简历中兴趣爱好怎么写(9篇)

英文简历特长爱好填写要点 英文简历中兴趣爱好怎么写(9篇)

时间:2021-04-08 20:48:36


英文简历特长爱好填写要点 英文简历中兴趣爱好怎么写(9篇)



从新产品研发到上市的推进协调 (新事业发展(nbd)部)

l promotion and co-ordination of new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the new business development pision)

2000 - 2002年 上海○○○○科技有限公司 总经理 (个人公司)

2000 - 2002 had acted as the general manager of shanghai technology co. ltd. (an inpidual-owned company)

进口药品添加剂的国内销售 技术支持 财会等全面管理

l in charge of overall management affairs of selling the imported medicinal additives on the home market, handle the technical support jobs and those in the finance pision.

1996 - 1999年 日本著名大公司 药品及食品添加剂部 中国市场经理

1996 - 1999 had been a chinese marketing manager of medicine and food additives pision of a famous big-sized japanese company.


① 字体:建议用timesnewroman或palatino。在哈佛商学院的字体是“palatinopreferred timesnew romanacceptable。”

② 字号:一般最好用10号,即小五。不过,就象刚才讲的那样,在学生简历中也可用12号字,即小四。

③ 间距:上下(天地头)一样,大约2-3厘米;左右一样,大约1.2-2.5厘米;最左边的bulletpoint到左页边的距离保持在3.8-5厘米。

英文简历 的格式要求:


② 功能型的简历格式


③ 综合型格式


④ 履历型格式

履历型格式的使用者绝大多数是专业技术人员或者是那些应聘的职位仅仅需要罗列出能够表现 求职 者价值的资信。例如演员、歌手或音乐家、外科医生、以及律师或注册会计师或许也使用这种类型。

最后提醒,关于 英文简历 的书写纸质要求选择简历专用的如高级米黄色钢古纸等,而规格至少80克,或100克左右,否则想一些60、70克的纸,往往显得轻飘飘的,质感很差,这是会丢分的;尺寸则以a4为主,最后做激光打印,打印前后要反复检查,避免书写错误并做及时修改。



gender: female

age: 24 height: 160 cm

marital status: single address: chang de city

job objective

recent work position:

expect post properties: full-time

expected monthly salary: 2000 ~ 3000

expect engaged in post: executive director, sales director, sales engineers, cost manager/supervisor, accounting supervisor

expect engaged in industry: computer software/hardware, accounting/auditing, financial (investment/securities, financial (bank/insurance), academic/scientific research

self evaluation

i am hunan engineering institute of international economy and trade a fresh graduates. get accountant from job seniority card, english level 4, national computer level 2, customs declarer certificate and etc.

not competitive, but always competitive. university students once was appointed deputy director of the office of the department, each year during the period of school scholarship and obtained the country pursues a scholarship, was awarded triple-a student, outstanding student cadres. in the youth have a passionate heart, do not the best, only better.

not superstitious himself, but always believe in your ability. my major foundation is good, learning ability, and good character,

education experience

start-stop years: in september to june

the school name: hunan college of engineering

professional name: international economy and trade

degree: bachelor degree

internship experience

start-stop date: in may to june

enterprise name: xiangtan tcl

in position: sales promotion member

performance: learning a lot of sales experience, learned and the communication between different groups.



nationality: china

at present location: yuexiu district of national: the han nationality

the registered permanent address locus: yuexiu district of figure: 168 cm 50 kg

marital status: single age:

job objective

talent type: ordinary job

applied position: administrative/logistics: administrative assistant, administrative assistant, financial/audit/tax: financial accounting, cashier, logistics/warehouse, warehouse, computer administrator, typing operator

term: the title: no title

job type: all can date available: at any time

monthly salary requirement: negotiable hope work areas: yuexiu district of guangzhou

work experience:

company name: the core technology companies

start-stop years: 01 ~ -08

the company properties: by sector:

in the position of: civilian financial

job description: answer the call, be responsible for the daily office work, etc, to send and receive mail, to proceed the exit procedure, issue compensation, etc

self evaluation

my undergraduate course graduation, during the school work hard to make progress, respect teacher, and students get along well, take an active part in social practice, learning skills is committed to sharing society. my english is good, has joined the cet 4 levels of tests, and access to national public oral english certificate. i hold accountant from job seniority card (accountant), national computer level certificate. skilled i can play wubi, grasps the office2000 office software and computer skills, have two years of civilian work experience and two years cashier financial experience. i would like to play for the expensive unit of his strength and ability, please the expensive unit can give me the chance of playing.

education background

graduate school: jinan university

the highest degree: undergraduate course graduation date: the -01-01

major one: computer network engineering major 2:



sex don : male

people family: the han nationality date of birth: on march 28,

telephone number: marriage status:

body high: 168 cm body weight: 56 kg

education experience

graduate school: liaoning engineering technology university calendar: bachelor degree

professional name: electrical automation measurement and control technology and instrument graduation year:

work experience: four years the highest title:

job objective

position properties: the whole job

job category: energy/power/electrical technology



position title: technicians, engineers,

work areas: fujian - fuzhou city;

salary: 3000-4000 yuan/month can be negotiated; does not need to provide housing

starting time: may at any time to work

skill expertise

language: english;

computer level: the national associate constructor card (electrical and mechanical engineering)

driving license c1 card

work experience

company: xiamen cernet special electronic co., ltd

time range: in september

the company properties: private/private company

subordinate industry: electronics, microelectronics technology

position: product keeper简历是求职者应聘活动的起点,也是招聘者招聘工作的开端。对求职或招聘的任一方而言,简历都具有着重要的现实意义。以下是学习啦小编整理的英文简历字体段落格式要求,以供大家参考。


英文简历 | 英文简历模板 | 英文自我介绍 | 英语求职信 | 英语自我介绍


career experience:

2002年6月 - 至现在 中央直属大型集团企业(中国○○集团)制药事业部 高级经理


june 2002 - now has acted as a senior manager of medicine manufacturing pision of a big-sized group enterprise the “china xx group corp.” - a subsidiary company directly owned by the chinese central government. had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company

输液产品选择、市场调研、项目策划 (市场部)

l selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the marketing pision)


l co-operation matters with partners at home and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the outsourcing affairs pision)


英文简历 | 英文简历模板 | 英文自我介绍 | 英语求职信 | 英语自我介绍

.7~.8 summer special olympic games in [volunteer]

charity sale in yu garden bilingually and promote sales of items successfully

.9~.6 english club [vice president]

coordinated affairs of the society including raising funds from corporate sponsors for our society; organized english corner, educational lectures and outdoor practice

.3~.12 students’ entrepreneurship center (marketing department) [assistant]

researched materials of competition, government policies, social factor concerning starting one’s own business; focused on marketing plans

honors and scholarships

academic:national scholarship, 1st scholarship(once, 1 student/semester)in -

scholarship for outstanding students, 3rd scholarship(twice, top 10%)in -

excellent inpidual of summer practice and 2nd place for social articles in -



目前所在: 番禺区 年龄: 31

籍贯: 汕尾 国籍: 中国

婚否: 已婚 民族: 汉族

身高: 160 cm 体重: 55 kg


求职职位: 中学教师/培训讲师/顾问:

工作经验/年: 8 专业职称: 初级

工作类型: 均可 就职时间: 一个月

期望薪资: 3500--5000 求职地区: 广州,番禺区,海珠区


番禺新英才中英文学校 起止年月:20xx-08-01 ~ 20xx-12-01

公司性质: 其它所属行业:教育/培训/院校

担任职位: 初中数学教师及班主任

工作描述: 初中数学教师及班主任

离职原因: 无

汕尾市光明职业技术学校 起止年月:20xx-08-01 ~ 20xx-08-01

公司性质: 其它所属行业:教育/培训/院校

担任职位: 职高高考班数学教师及班主任

工作描述: 职高高考班数学教师及班主任

离职原因: 无

湛江智洋外语专修学院 起止年月:20xx-08-01 ~ 20xx-07-01

公司性质: 其它所属行业:教育/培训/院校

担任职位: 高中数学教师及班主任

工作描述: 高中数学教师及班主任

离职原因: 无


毕业学校: 湘潭师范学院

最高学历: 本科获得学位: 毕业时间: 20xx-07-01

所学专业: 数学 第二专业: 无

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

20xx-07-01 20xx-08-01 汕尾市教育局 职业技能 职业技能培训合格证 076235

20xx-08-01 20xx-08-01 汕尾市教育局 班主任培训 班主任职业技能证书 082899

20xx-08-01 20xx-08-01 湖南科技大学 《学校管理理论与实践》 合格 無


外语: 英语良好 粤语水平: 良好

第二外语: 无 国语水平: 优秀


20xx年8月~20xx年7月,在湛江智洋外语专修学院担任高中部数学教师及班主任。我班喜获该校20xx-度优秀班级荣誉称号。同年,由本人主讲的湛江南油小学奥数培训班,学生在市级比赛中取得良好成绩,本人也得到学校嘉奖。20xx年8月~20xx年7月,本人任教于汕尾市光明职业技术学校,担任职高部高考班数学教学工作及班主任职务。本人的教学能力和敬业精神受到一致好评; 期间,本人多次被评为“优秀班主任”及“先进教学工作者”,教学期间多次在汕尾日报上发表教学论文。其中03-04学年所教职高班高考数学成绩平均分排汕尾地区第一名。05-06学年,本人所带职高班学生高考数学成绩再次名列汕尾市第一,同时,我班学生大学录取率亦居汕尾地区同类学校第一。



在普奇公司曾带团队到市郊开发陌生市场,创下了月销售额20万元的业绩。有近2年从事水处理行业的经验,主要负责公司产品的市场策划 培训和销售管理。在公司内部报刊上曾发表过文章,可提供。 ( 我给您一次机会了解我, 您也给我一次机会证明您的决择是正确的!)


本人精通数据库结构化查询语言。熟悉数据库规划,数据库逻辑、物理设计,日常数据维护,性能调优,备份恢复和存储过程等。此外,熟练掌握多种编程技术(c,c++,sql 20xx,mysql,php,oracle等)。本人性格开朗,思维活跃,具有创新能力,沟通能力强,能吃苦耐劳,具有较好的团队意识。



具有良好的团队协作精神,热爱护理事业,德、智、体、美全面发展,品学兼优,掌握护理专业的理论和技能,具有自学、独立分析和解决问题的能力,能阅读外语专业书籍,成为临床护理的骨干人才。 自学能力强,易于接受新鲜事物,具有敏锐的观察力 爱好:看书、音乐、舞蹈、羽毛球 生活乐观积极向上




1、position sought: computer programmer with a foreign enterprise in dalian

2、qualifications: four years work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

3、professional experience: computer programmer, sough china computer company, guangzhou, from 1990 to date. operate flow-charts, collect business infromation fro management, update methods of operation. adept at operating ibm-pc and compact computers.

4、educational background: south china university of technology. b.s. in computer science, july 1990.

5、courses included: computer science, systems design and analysis, pascal programming, operating systems, cobol programming, d-base programming, fortran programming, systems management dalian no.34 middle school, 1981-1986

6、english proficiency: fluent in speaking, reading and writing.

7、hobbies: bridge, computer games, boating, swimming.

8、personal data:

born: november 29, 1970 in dalian;

health: excellent;

marital status: single;

height: 175cm; weight: 68kg

9、references: will be supplied upon request.


personal information:

family name: xxxx ?name: xxx

date of birth: july 12, 1986 birth place: china

sex: male marital status: unmarried

telephone: xxxxx e-mail:

work experience:

nov. 1998- present ccide inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .organized and attended trade shows (comdex 99) .

summer of 1997 bit company as a technician ,designed various web sites . designed and maintained the web site of our pision independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by frontpage, photoshop and java as well ;


1991 - august 1996 automation, tsinghua university, b.e.

achievements & activities:

president and founder of the costumer committee

established the organization as a member of bit

president of communications for the marketing association

representative in the student association

computer abilities:

skilled in use of ms frontpage, win 95/nt, sun, javabeans, html, cgi, javascript, perl, visual interdev, distributed objects, corba, c, c++, project 98, office 97, rational requisitepro, process, pascal, pl/i and sql software

english skills:

have a good command of both spoken and written english .past cet-6, toefl: 623; gre: 2213


aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment. have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.


国外英文 简历 与国内英文简历相比,由于简历撰写人和阅读人的背景不相同,所以国外英文简历有很多地方需要根据国情做适应性改进。





如果在英文简历上只写职责,就会出现千人一面的现象,比如大家都是公司中做会计的,各公司的会计职责就会基本一样,但每一个做会计的都会有不同的业绩,这才是简历中的重点,也是 面试 时谈话的话题,所以在国内的英文简历上一定要加上你的业绩。




特别说明:本文“国外英文简历与国内英文简历的区别”,是应广大准备自己撰写英文简历的求职人的要求写的,目的是帮助那些有 英语 4级以上水平的求职人自己快速撰写英文简历,这种简便快速的方法与我们提供的专业辅导基础上的英文简历服务是完全不一样的。



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job objective:

a position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing.


2000- bejing university, college of commerce

graduating in july with a b. s. degree in marketing.

fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.

1994-2000 the no.2 middle school of xi"an.


social activities:

2000- secretary of the class league branch.


英文简历 | 英文简历模板 | 英文自我介绍 | 英语求职信 | 英语自我介绍

1994-2000 class monitor.

summer jobs:

2002 administrative assistant in sales department of xi"an nokia factory. responsible for public relations, correspondence, expense reports, record keeping, inventory catalog.

provisional employee of sales department of xi"an lijun medical instruments & equipment (holdings) company. responsible for sorting orders, shipping arrangemeents, deliveries.


internet-surfing, tennis, travel.

english proficiency:

college english test-band six.

computer skills:

microsoft office, adobe photoshop, etc.


references will be furnished upon request.
