100字范文 > 品味人生的经典感悟句子 句句舒心 睿智深刻

品味人生的经典感悟句子 句句舒心 睿智深刻

时间:2020-09-16 08:59:46


品味人生的经典感悟句子 句句舒心 睿智深刻


The saddest distance in the world is that two people are far awaybut do not know each other. Suddenly one day, they meet and fall inlove and become very close. Then one day, they stop falling in love,and the two people who were so close become far away, even fartherthan before.


Together for a thousand years, waiting for a thousand years, hekept looking forward to the day when each other would wake up. But atpresent, he is less than three feet away from shuangqing, but he hasa delusion that he is as far away as the ages, as if he were fartherthan the distance between life and death... In this world, there is adistance, not between life and death, but forgetting...


I thought our distance was the distance between one heart andanother. I was wrong. The distance between us is the distance betweentwo worlds.


The saddest distance in the world is that two people are far awaybut do not know each other. Suddenly one day, they meet and fall inlove and become very close.


In fact, it is right in front of us, clearly within reach, but thedistance always feels like forever.


The furthest distance in the world is not the distance betweenfish and bird, nor is it. I love you, but you don know. Instead,you and I, who used to talk about everything and be inseparable, arenow strangers and silent. We have no memory loss, not forced, but thedistance.


The shortest distance between people is called embrace, thelongest distance between people is called waiting, the most invisibledistance between people is called tolerance, the most terribledistance between people is called ignoring your existence!


Im afraid I can wait for you too long, Im afraid I can catchup with you too long, Im afraid I love you too much.


Distance is a precious thing. In many cases, we are happy andnatural under the control of distance. Once we transcend the gap ofdistance, we can cause harm. Or both.


The furthest distance is to see your happiness up close, but nevertouch your life.
