100字范文 > 让人瞬间眼红的心酸句子 句句穿心 越看越心痛!

让人瞬间眼红的心酸句子 句句穿心 越看越心痛!

时间:2024-05-16 06:40:58


让人瞬间眼红的心酸句子 句句穿心 越看越心痛!


The reason why we are separated is that we are doomed to be inappropriate. No matter what the reason is and who is responsible, it doesn matter now. It doesn matter. You don have to say Im sorry. It doesn matter.


I met a girl, not to return my message on sad, perfunctory I was upset, talking to other boys I was angry, I really want to fight with her.


I didn apologize to you in this relationship, what should and shouldn have done, I have done for you. You know better than me what I get. I don blame you. I pay for my own powerlessness.


Because I love you too much, too afraid to lose you, so I always love to be angry, always love to think, sometimes unreasonable, but also always to confirm to you again and again whether you love me.


We are busy quarreling, blaming each other, hurting each other and guessing each other, but we forget our initial intentions, our vows and how hard it is for us to get here.


At first, we did not know the beginning, I should think, should understand that sooner or later, we will end in a vague way, everything is my choice, I have no right to regret.


I love you in my own way, although I don know whether my way is right or not, even some extreme, but I have no malice, and I don want to make you unhappy because of my love.

