100字范文 > 有关爱情的情感句子 经典入心 值得分享

有关爱情的情感句子 经典入心 值得分享

时间:2020-11-24 11:09:42


有关爱情的情感句子 经典入心 值得分享


A person taught you to love him with all your heart! But you are no longer his only one! Are you going to be desperate all the time?

2.我爱你时或许我会卑微到尘埃里,但是你要知道 ,这仅仅只是因为我爱你 ,不是我应该 。

Maybe I just want to love you when I love you.

3.入了心的人 ,怎能说忘就忘 ,动了心的情怎能说放就放 。

How can a man who has entered his heart say he will forget when he forgets? How can a man who has moved his heart say he will let go。


Feelings are so tough, can stand ups and downs, feelings are so fragile, can not stand oil and salt firewood!

5.心若不动 ,风又奈何 ,你若不伤 ,岁月无恙—— 张爱玲

If your heart doesn move, what will the wind do? If you don hurt, the years will be fine。


I finally understand that in ones life, there is only one true love, and then even if there is another lingering love, it will never be remembered.

7.因为喜欢, 可迎万难,如果能最后在一起,晚一点真的没关系 ,心若有了良人 ,眼里全是路人, 该你遇见的人躲不掉 ,该你经历的却逃不开,人和人的相遇,绝非偶然, 都是命中注定 。——张爱玲

Because like, can meet all difficulties, if you can finally together, a little later really doesn matter, if the heart has a lover, eyes are full of passers-by, you meet the people can escape, you experience but can escape, people meet, is not accidental, are doomed. ——Zhang Ailing


Lonely people will always remember everyone in his life, so I always inadvertently think of you.

9.一起吹过晚风的人 大概会记得久一些,我想了很久 我不止是来遇见你的。

People who have blown the evening wind together will probably remember it for a long time,Ive been thinking about it for a long time. Im not only here to meet you.


Perhaps, in this life, you are destined to be an insurmountable love gap in my destiny. I know that in the future, you will always stay in my heart, even if love you will lonely all my time, I will still keep the memories, pour out my obsession.

11. 因为你,无论我走到了哪里,我看到的都是美丽风景,我听到都是美好的爱情童话。

Because of you, no matter where I go, I see beautiful scenery, I hear beautiful love fairy tales.


There is one thing that time can never erase, that is the sincere heart that loves you!


Life is like a gamble. If you lose, you will lose your youth forever. Win, you will always master youth. Youth is your chip. Gambling is common, but youth is not.


Recalling the past holding hands with you, looking forward to the rest of our lives; every apology, every forgiveness, is to comfort the wordless pain.

15.当你以为你爱上了一个人时,也许只是爱上了恋爱的感觉, 我想我是太喜欢你,所以才会比一般人更在意你。

When you think you fall in love with someone, maybe its just the feeling of falling in love. I think I like you too much, so I care more about you than most people.

16. 谁在为谁无望的守候,谁又将谁抛之于脑后?谁在为谁执着的孤独,谁又将谁归位于虚无?心碎的尺子无法丈量相思的距离,微动的嘴角,点缀在我思念你心的夜空……

Who is waiting for who is hopeless, who leaves who behind? Who is persistent loneliness for whom, who returns who to nothingness? The broken ruler can measure the distance of Acacia, and the fretting corners of the mouth embellish the night sky where I miss you

17.终有一天我将举杯,敬一敬我的冲撞,我的孤勇。我秉直的脾性,我的泪不自禁。我没有太多期盼 毕竟一生很短 少有圆满——林清玄

One day Ill raise my glass to my collision and my courage. I hold straight temperament, my tears can help. I don have much to look forward to. After all, my life is very short, and I seldom have a complete life


I hope all lovely people can have matching, equal and even overflowing love and tenderness.

19.余生做一个温柔的人, 浅浅笑, 轻轻爱。

Be a gentle person for the rest of your life, smile and love.

