100字范文 > 微信最近很火的心情句子 谁的青春没有牵挂?

微信最近很火的心情句子 谁的青春没有牵挂?

时间:2023-12-25 17:05:31


微信最近很火的心情句子 谁的青春没有牵挂?


As long as you are young, everyone will leave a little soft forthe lost youth in the bottom of his heart. In the interval of certainvicissitudes of life, a wisp of inexplicable melancholy cloud willsuddenly pass in front of the eyes, a nameless melancholy willsuddenly rise in the heart before the familiar scenery. But all thisgloom and gloom doesn mean they want to be reunited with someonewho remembers them.


When we suddenly look back, they are there, with their still youngeyebrows engraved with our youth, and we still young eyebrows willalways be engraved in their youth.


Youth is like a seed, has been free and easy, from now on May losethe vitality of germination. Life only gives one youth. I choose topursue, to pursue the dream of life, to release the color of life.


Youth is a wound intentionally left by years, slowly healing, butleaving a clear scar. Its so memorable, it doesn take our breathaway, but it makes us feel inexplicably shallow pain along the way.That pain is silent, bright, sad and endless...


Youth is so beautiful, like a ray of sunshine, warm shining on mychest; Once, youth is so beautiful, like a light breeze, swept awaythe world of desolation and sorrow. Jiangnan, warm mountains and softwater, with youthful faces that we will never forget, those youthfulfaces may be our own; Maybe it belongs to someone else. I feel bluein the misty rain.


Crape myrtle blooms, leaving a lonely time, seems to be a silentmiss, but it is an endless wasteland; Flowers bloom and fall, and itseems like a lonely time in memory. Time gone never to return, youthis a shallow pain. Memory, with a trace of sadness, I gently breathe,breathe...
