100字范文 > 感动!张文宏英文演讲:中国人为什么戴口罩?他这样解释……


时间:2019-04-27 09:43:10




On the morning of May 25, New York University Shanghai held a graduation ceremony for the undergraduates. Zhang Wenhong, Director of the Infection Department at Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, attended and delivered a speech, sharing with the graduates the important life lessons he had gained during the outbreak.




This is a question about how you would make a choice in the future. Its not related with your salary, it should be related with your interest. 这是一个值得思考的问题:你未来会选择从事什么职业?我认为这个选择与收入无关。它应该取决于你的个人兴趣。

After graduation, when you find a career that suits you, you will feel it... This feeling is no different from finding the right girlfriend or boyfriend. If you always have the feeling that your partner will eventually be a problem in your future, they may not be "Mr or Miss Right". Your career is the same. 毕业以后,当你找到适合你的职业时,你是能感受出来的…… 这种感觉就和你找到对的男女朋友是一样的。如果那时你总是感觉别扭,可能就不是最终适合你的Mr或Miss Right。选择职业方向时也是这样。


This major is a huge privilege in that it allows me to learn about humanity — we e just one of the species in the world, and I can look at the world as a whole. Each time, once I diagnose a new disease, I can learn more deeply about nature. 我所学的这个专业可以让我了解到人类作为一个物种在世界中的位置,可以让我将世界看作一个整体。每次诊断出一种新的疾病,都会让我对自然界有更深的认识。

Due to the ever-changing human immune system the unpredictability of nature, I feel very anxious, because its so complicated. But I can feel that I am suitable for this job, for this task. 由于自然界千变万化,人类免疫系统变幻莫测,因此在面对新的疾病时,我常常会感到焦虑。但我能够感觉到自己适合做这件事。



"I believe that in the future, we will definitely encounter greater challenges of uncertainty. Cooperation and sacrifice are still our weapons to overcome all difficulties," said Zhang Wenhong. Meanwhile, he believes that the future of humans depends on whether the young people of the world can finally come together. “我相信,对于未来,我们一定会碰到更大的不确定性的挑战,合作与牺牲仍然是我们战胜所有困难的武器。”张文宏表示。同时,他相信人类的未来取决于世界上的年轻人是否能够最终走在一起。


They asked me, why did you make the decision to initiate non-pharmaceutical interventions in the very early stages? For example, mouth covers and social distancing. I told them, because we saw the inequality of this disease. 他们问我,你为什么在早期就决定要采用非药物干预措施,强调佩戴口罩、保持社交距离?我说,因为我们看到了这种疾病造成的不平等。

The greatest inequality caused by COVID-19 is that the mortality rate among the elderly is dozens of times that of young people. This means that, for the young, its similar to a bad case of flu, but for the elderly, its a killer. Without strict non-pharmaceutical intervention, China might have faced hundreds of millions of infections and millions of deaths, mostly among the elderly. 新冠疫情造成的最大不平等是老年人中的病死率是年轻人数十倍。这就意味着对年轻人而言,新冠就是一个大号的流感,但是对于老年人来说,却是死亡杀手。如果不采取非常严格的非药物干预措施,中国可能会面临上亿人的感染,死亡人数会达到上百万,而且主要是老年人。

In China, we just want to eliminate the inequality the virus has over the population. Therefore, we follow the slogan "life first, people first". We are filled with joy now that the elderly here don’t live in fear of the virus. 在中国,我们希望能够消除这种不平等。因此,我们喊出了“生命至上,人民至上”的口号。当看到身边的老年人远离病毒恐惧时,我们的内心充满了喜悦。





实习生:郭霁莹 石潇涵

China Daily精读计划来了!



