100字范文 > 英文外刊 为什么说茫茫宇宙 很难再有第二个地球?

英文外刊 为什么说茫茫宇宙 很难再有第二个地球?

时间:2023-06-29 03:56:09


英文外刊 为什么说茫茫宇宙 很难再有第二个地球?

Water found on a potentially life-friendly alien planet


In a first for astronomers studying worlds beyond our solar system, data from the Hubble Space Telescope have revealed water vapor in the atmosphere of an Earth-size planet. Although this exoplanet orbits a star that is smaller than our sun,it falls within whats known as the stars habitable zone, the range of orbital distances where it would be warm enough for liquid water to exist on a planets surface.


The discovery, announced this September in two independent studies, comes from years of observations of the exoplanet K2-18b, a super-Earth thats about 111 light-years from our solar system.


K2-18bs orbit takes it seven times closer to its star than Earth gets to the sun. But because it circles a type of dim red star known as an M dwarf, that orbit places it in the stars potentially life-friendly zone. Crude models predict that K2-18bs effective temperature falls somewhere between -100 and 116 degrees Fahrenheit, andif it is about as reflective as Earth, its equilibrium temperature would be roughly the same as our home planets.

K2-18b的轨道与其恒星的距离是太阳到地球距离的1/7。但因为它围绕着一颗被称为M型矮星的暗红色恒星旋转,这个轨道仍使它处于这颗恒星的潜在宜居地带。根据粗略的模型预测,K2-18b 的有效温度在华氏-100度到116度之间,而如果它和地球具有大致相等的反射性,它的平衡温度将和我们地球的温度大致相同。

The fact that researchers have detected water on this type of planet bolsters hope for finding habitable worlds beyond our solar system.


“This is the only planet right now that we know outside the solar system that has the correct temperature to support water, it has an atmosphere, and it has water in it一making this planet the best candidate for habitability that we know right now,”Angelos Tsiaras, a University College London astronomer and a co-author of one of the two studies, said during a press conference .

