100字范文 > 100字的好朋友的日记


时间:2024-05-06 14:28:36



Dear Diary,

Today was a great day because I got to spend time with my best friend. We started the day by going for a walk in the park, chatting and laughing about everything and nothing. We then went to our favorite café to enjoy some delicious coffee and cake, and caught up on each other"s lives.

After that, we went to the mall and tried on a bunch of clothes, giving each other fashion advice and having a lot of fun in the process. We ended the day by watching a movie together at my place, munching on popcorn and sharing inside jokes.

I"m so grateful for having such a wonderful friend in my life. We always have the best time together, and I know that no matter what happens, we"ll always be there for each other. I can"t imagine my life without her, and I"m looking forward to many more amazing days like this in the future.

Goodnight diary.
